AI Lund Online Drop-in: Data, bias and society - the strive for diversity in AI

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation of public lecture/debate/seminar


AI Lund Drop-in is an opportunity for anyone at Lund University or elsewhere who is working with or wants to get started with AI to meet like-minded people and experts in order to discuss practical problems or new project ideas, e.g. in connection with: 

student projects or theses research projects hobby or innovation projects digitization of IT systems 24 May 12.00 - 13.15

Themes: Data, bias and society - the strive for diversity in AI

Expert: Carina Geldhauser, Mathematics. Lund University [follow]



* Every other Monday (odd weeks) at 10-12, one or more AI researchers will be at the Zoom platform, to answer questions or lead discussions. But we expect that there will also be people who just want to hang with others interested in the topic. Different weeks will focus on different topics, such as image analysis, politics, robotics, ethics, or clinical AI. Try to choose the meeting that you think is best suited for your challenges

Period2021 May 24
Event typeSeminar
LocationLund, SwedenShow on map