Conference: Plastic Extension of Music (Ges­tures and Lan­guages: In­no­v­a­tive Ap­proaches to Artis­tic Think­ing and Ped­a­gogy)

Activity: Talk or presentationPresentation


Ges­tures and Lan­guages: In­no­v­a­tive Ap­proaches to Artis­tic Think­ing and Ped­a­gogy


The deeper we go and practice Classical Music, the more social, economical and historical obstacles we encounter. As heirs of the classical music tradition, a “secret protocol between generations” is established in which we are left with the “weak messianic power” to live and develop a practice attached to a different time, a more prosperous era in which the economical exchange of music was not intervened by world wide distribution and neoliberal labor practices.

Young classical musicians find themselves with an instrumental knowledge, an embodied knowledge that has been transmitted for nearly a millennia to perform inside the canonical laws of classical music, laws mainly dictated on the 19th Century and “mannerised” over the last years towards an artificial perfection, a dying art of music performance, currently instructed at every Conservatory and Music Academy, that does not belong to the current socio-economical exchange.

Plastic Extension comes as a creative pedagogical tool for performers to deactivate the historical weight of classical music performance, breaking the world wide distribution of music against neoliberal labor practices by creating new grounds and platforms for classical music performance. Metaphorical vehicles of music towards different art worlds in which the performer allows itself, with its own hands, to translate the language, gestures and millenary embodied knowledge of classical music outside the instrument by polluting other forms of arts, rethinking music and its performance, emancipating classical music and the performers from the secret protocol between generations.

The creative criticism inside Plastic Extension creates infinite and autopoietic methodologies to approach this new performance of classical music, allowing an expansion of the musical piece outside the instrument and sound but at the same time deepening the instrumental practice and creating new knowledge from a different perspective, the plasticity and embodied knowledge of the musical gesture outside the instrument.
Period2023 Nov 16
Held atUniversity of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Degree of RecognitionInternational

UKÄ subject classification

  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Performing Arts

Free keywords

  • Plastic Extension of Music
  • visual arts
  • visually impaired
  • metaphor