COST Workshop on Interplay of hard and soft QCD probes for collectivity in heavy-ion collisions

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation of conference


    Since the discovery of collective, heavy-ion like phenomena in small systems, like the appearance of a near-side ridge at high multiplicity, and strangeness enhancement with a smooth transition to pA and AA collision systems, a key question for both the hadron-hadron and heavy-ion communities have been if the origin of collectivity is the same across systems. A relevant point to answering this question is to address the heretofore non-observation of jet quenching in small systems. If the above mentioned collective phenomena in small systems are indeed a sign of final-state interactions, the key to understanding the differences and similarities between small and large systems, must be to thoroughly investigate the interplay between hard and soft probes on the collective phenomena.

    In this workshop, we review the state of the art theoretical approaches to modelling both the soft and hard parts of collective effects in hadron-hadron and heavy-ion collisions. This will be followed up with discussions and ideas of how to tackle the challenge of unifying the descriptions. We aim for a discussion between theoreticians working on different approaches (effective models and MC generators) from several points of view. The goal is to come to a common understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches. We plan to produce a short document summarising the present status and the output of the discussions.

    The workshop would start with an overview of small systems, recent hydro and jet quenching results results, relation between hydro and jet quenching in large and small systems and what we learn about QCD. The follow up sessions would be devoted to the topics of jet fragmentation modification in high density environments, jet chemistry aspects, multiplicity and outlook on what we learn from the collider data. There will be a few experiments talks on prospects from HL-LHC, ALICE upgrade, STAR, ALICE and ALTAS results.

    The first two days of the workshop will be devoted to a mini-school, with a few lectures primarily targeted at Ph.D. students and young postdocs, reviewing some of the main theoretical microscopic and macroscopic approaches to hadron-hadron and heavy-ion collisions. The school will also include a hands-on tutorial session of the Rivet framework for comparing Monte Carlo predictions to the data, with its recent updates to including heavy-ion processes.
    Period2019 Feb 252019 Mar 1
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationLund, SwedenShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational