ETH Zürich

Activity: Visiting an external institutionResearch or teaching at external organisation


The host, Dr. Helgason, leads an international team of researchers that recently developed a novel ex vivo fall simulator for a biofidelic simulation of falls to the ground from standing height, resulting in an impact to the greater trochanter. Corresponding FE models of these experimental tests have been extensively validated.

The visiting researcher, earned his PhD at the biomechanics group at Lund
University, developing and validating a method for reconstructing 3D FE models from 2D DXA images. The method is based on using a statistical model for describing the anatomical variability of the shape and the BMD in human femurs. This statistical shape model is used to define the instance that best fits a given 2D DXA projection.

The purpose of the scientific exchange is to combine the two FE modelling methodologies into one single framework. Such framework would, starting from a DXA scan, allow for the generation of 3D subject-specific FE models of the femur and subsequent assessment of its resistance to fracture under a biofidelic FE fall simulation using the modelling technology that Dr. Helgason’s group has developed.
Period2019 Apr 12019 Sept 30
VisitingETH Zürich