Swedish climate and biodiversity politics are to a large extent affected by international agreements, strategies, and policies. In some cases, these are binding while in other cases national implications can be more flexible. During the seminar, we will explore implications of the European Green Deal*, and some of the avenues proposed to reach its goals, for Swedish policy and our research.The seminar will start by providing an overview on how different decision-making bodies at EU level work, and which implications different EU strategies, regulations and directives, with a focus on the Green Deal, have for Swedish policy making and then continue to delve deeper into specific areas relevant for our research.
9:30-10:00 Registration, coffee, and mingle
10:00-10:10 Welcome and introduction
10:10-10:40 EU policy-making paths, focusing on the European Green Deal
Rickard Eksten, research liaison officer at Lund University
10:40-11:10 Consequences of the Green Deal and its parts for Swedish policy-making
Magnus Nilsson, consultant at Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig ekonomi (ESO) (a committee of the Ministry of Finance)
11:10-11:25 Coffee break
11:25-11:55 How can a coherent climate and biodiversity strategy be developed?
Henrik Smith, Professor at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University
11:55-12:05 Insights into the working process of the Swedish government’s Cross-Party Committee on Environmental Objectives
Daniel Engström Stenson, investigative secretary, Cross-Party Committee on Environmental Objectives
12:05-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Air pollution and air quality – benefits for human health and ecosystems
Håkan Pleijel, Professor at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg
13:30-14:00 Just transition to a sustainable future – how do we get fairness and justice into policy processes?
Emily Boyd, Professor at the Centre for Sustainability Studies, Lund University
14:00-14:30 Coffee and mingle
14:30-15:15 Panel discussion
15.15-15:30 Conclusion and wrap-up
BECC is a collaboration between Lund University and University of Gothenburg in Sweden. BECC brings together more than 350 scientists from the natural and social sciences to perform research on the combined consequences of anthropogenic emissions, climate and land-use changes on biodiversity and ecosystem services on multiple scales, to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management of ecosystems and biodiversity.
LU Land is a thematic collaboration initiative at Lund University, focusing on issues related to sustainable land-use. LU Land consists of more than 60 researchers and almost 30 societal actors.
Period | 2023 Nov 20 |
Event type | Seminar |
Location | Lund, SwedenShow on map |
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