Knit and Code

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation of workshop/ seminar/ course


Do you know how to knit? Then you know how to code! Join this workshop to discover how your skills in knitting or crocheting can be transferred to relevant and useful methods for coding texts through text mining.

Karoline Vildlyng & Max Odsbjerg Pedersen from the Royal Danish Library will teach you how to use knowledge and skills you already have, to learn new things: text mining and coding in R. You will get an introduction to:
• Text mining as a method
• Coding in R (programming language)
• Finding texts and sources in digital archives

This workshop is for everyone, regardless of your experience level of coding or digital methods - and you do not need to have preexisting experience with knitting or crocheting. IF you have experience with knitting or crocheting (at any level) you can use this to learn useful and relevant digital methods for research projects and text analysis.

This workshop is created for the curious humanities researcher who is eager to learn about digital humanities and methods for large-scale text analysis!
Period2022 Nov 15
Event typeWorkshop
LocationLund, SwedenShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational

UKÄ subject classification

  • History
  • Cultural Studies