Redesigning summative assessments: fairness, reliability and validity

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


The observation that assessment in higher education has changed very little over time is frequently made, and partially accurate. Assignment tasks which were commonplace in the nineteenth century, such as essays and unseen examinations, are still present in many university courses. This is not in itself a problem, but it is as important to review types of assessment as it is to review any other aspect of a course. Other aspects of the curriculum may have changed, students come with different experiences and expectations, and we now have a range of technologies available to us. We should regularly ask ourselves if summative assessment tasks and criteria should remain the same, and if so, how we can ensure that they are fair, reliable, and valid?
Period2023 Jun 21
Held atUniversity of Oxford, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionInternational

UKÄ subject classification

  • Educational Sciences