A new network on consumption practices met for the first time inGothenburg, Sweden. Consisting of young researchers from Finland, Sweden and Denmark, the network met to
discuss various current and future projects group members are working on,
as well as potential for collaboration. Its aim was to “map consumption
research informed by Practice Theory and explore future collaboration
potential, as well as to create a forum for scholarly communication in the
Nordic region”. The participants presented their current research to each
other, and we discovered many common interests. Theoretical discussions
were also plentiful, we asked “what is a practice”, “the elements of a
practice”, “how and when specific performances of a practice become its
own entity”, “the spatial aspect of practices”, “practices, power and the
question of access”, “practices that link consumption, production and
markets”, “methodological implications of practice theory, including using
quantitative research methods, experiments and visual data”, “euthanization
of practices”, “aesthetization and artification of practices”, “convention and
practices”, “reconfigurations, disruptions and practices”, and “the question
of agency and choice within practice theory”.
Period | 2017 Nov 24 |
Event type | Workshop |
Location | Gothenburg, SwedenShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |