Social interactions in municipal healthcare. A qualitative study exploring the perceptions of family caregivers from minority ethnic backgrounds and healthcare personnel employed in dementia teams and home-based care

  • Glasdam, S. (External reviewer)
  • Frode F. Jacobsen (External reviewer)
  • Kari Anne Hakestad (Commissioned member of Examining committee)

Activity: Examination and supervisionExternal Reviewer of PhD thesis/Opponent


The overall theme of the dissertation is social interactions in municipal healthcare from perspectives of family caregivers from minority ethnic backgrounds and healthcare personnel employed in dementia teams and home-based care in Norway. The dissertation has a social constructivist approach inspired by Pierre Bourdieu’s understanding of that a society is organised into a hierarchy of social relations and his concepts of field, habitus, capital, social games, doxa, and symbolic violence. The dissertation is based on three qualitative interview studies that explored perceptions and views of encounters between family caregivers from minority ethnic backgrounds who have relatives living with dementia and healthcare personnel employed in dementia teams and home-based care.
Period2023 May 4
Examinee/Supervised personRagnhild Julante Andersen Gulestø
Examination/Supervision held at
  • Oslo Metropolitan University
Degree of RecognitionInternational

UKÄ subject classification

  • Medical and Health Sciences

Free keywords

  • ethnic minorities
  • dementia
  • relatives
  • Bourdieu
  • healthcare professionals
  • homecare
  • Dementia teams
  • Norway