The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art - interview

  • Groth, S. K. (Interviewee)
  • Holger Schulze (Interviewee)
  • Jeremy Woodruff (Host)

Activity: OtherMedia participation


On June 11th Errant Sound member, and contributing author, Jeremy Woodruff led an interview with the editors of the newly published Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art (January 2020) Prof. Holger Schulze (University of Copenhagen) and Assoc. Prof. Sanne Krogh Groth (Lund University). Featuring sound examples from authors and profiled artists in the Handbook , Jeremy Woodruff discusses the ideas that guided the volume’s creation with the editors. The podcast serves as the prelude to a future event at errant sound where a number of authors from the volume will meet together to discuss themes in the Handbook together with the public.

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art explores and delineates what sound art is in the 21st century. Sound artworks today embody the contemporary and transcultural trends toward the post-apocalyptic, a wide sensorial spectrum of sonic imaginaries as well as the decolonisation and the deinstitutionalisation around the making of sound.
Period2020 Jun 11
Degree of RecognitionInternational