4D Imaging Lab
The 4D imaging lab is a facility for 3D and 4D imaging of internal structures of bulk materials and objects. The facility is centred around a high resolution laboratory 3D x-ray microscope (Zeiss XRM520) and a RX Solutions EasyTom150 micro x-ray tomograph.
Resolutions of down to <700 nm are possible in 3D and fields of view up to about 6 cm are possible with the Zeiss XRM520. The rotation stage can accommodate samples and sample environments up to 15 kg weight. Diffraction contrast tomography (DCT) capability to look at polycrystalline structures.
The EasyTom150 permits imaging of larger samples up to about 35 cm x 45 cm and faster tomography acquisition down to about 10 s. Samples and sample environments up to 30 kg can be accommodated.
Equipment for insitu experiments is available, including for mechanical loading, temperature and humidity control, electrochemical testing. Software for 3D reconstruction, visualization and data quantification are available.
The 4D Imaging lab provides 3D imaging by x-ray tomography plus in-situ experiments for 4D Imaging. Support for data analysis is provided through the QIM project at LUNARC in collaboration with DTU and UCPH.
No management board at present. Booking, operation and management of the facility through S. Hall.
- tomography
- x-ray
- 3d imaging
- 4d imaging