Advanced Gamma-ray Tracking Array


    Infrastructure Details



    Name of national/international infrastructure this infrastructure belongs to

    AGATA - Advanced Gamma-ray Tracking Array


    AGATA is a large European detector collaboration involving around 40 research laboratories and universities from 12 countries. The goal is to construct and maintain the first complete 4π-solid angle γ-ray spectrometer built entirely from high-purity and electrically segmented germanium detectors. AGATA represents a revolutionary approach to γ-ray spectroscopy and offers unique opportunities to study the fundamental aspects of nuclear many-body systems and in particular the nuclear structure of rare, short-lived nuclei. These are not found in Nature, except in the most extreme stellar environments, like supernovae or colliding neutron stars, where various nucleosynthesis processes are in action. The detector technology behind AGATA allows also for unprecedented γ-ray imaging capabilities in applied nuclear science.

    Equipment and resources

    AGATA detector modules provided by Swedish Nuclear Structure research groups.

    Management of the infrastructure

    AGATA Management Board, see

    UKÄ subject classification

    • Subatomic Physics

    Type of infrastructure

    • Equipment

    Infrastructure programme

    • Infrastructure of national interest (Swedish Research Council)

    Free keywords

    • Nuclear structure
    • Gamma-ray spectroscopy
    • Gamma-ray tracking
    • Physics opportunities with the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array: AGATA

      Korten, W., Cederkäll, J., Rudolph, D., Zielińska, M. & AGATA collaboration, 2020 May 19, In: European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei. 56, 5, 33 p., 137.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

      Open Access
    • Performance of a gamma-ray tracking array: Characterizing the AGATA array using a 60Co source

      Korichi, A., Lauritsen, T., Wilson, A. N., Dudouet, J., Clément, E., Lalović, N., Perez-Vidal, R. M., Pietri, S., Ralet, D. & Stézowski, O., 2017 Nov 11, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 872, p. 80-86 7 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    • Conceptual design of the AGATA 1π array at GANIL

      Clément, E., Michelagnoli, C., de France, G., Li, H. J., Lemasson, A., Barthe Dejean, C., Beuzard, M., Bougault, P., Cacitti, J., Foucher, J. L., Fremont, G., Gangnant, P., Goupil, M.-J., Houarner, C., Jean, M., Lefevre, A., Legeard, L., Legruel, F., Maugeais, C. & Ménager, L. & 101 others, Ménard, N., Munoz, H., Ozille, M., Raine, B., Ropert, J.-A., Saillant, F., Spitaels, C., Tripon, M., Vallerand, P., Voltolini, G., Korten, W., Salsac, M.-D., Theisen, C., Zielińska, M., Joannem, T., Karolak, M., Kebbiri, M., Lotode, A., Touzery, R., Walter, C., Korichi, A., Ljungvall, J., Lopez-Martens, A., Ralet, D., Dosme, N., Grave, X., Karkour, N., Lafay, X., Legay, E., Kojouharov, I., Domingo-Pardo, C., Gadea, A., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Civera, J. V., Birkenbach, B., Eberth, J., Hess, H., Lewandowski, L., Reiter, P., Nannini, A., de Angelis, G., Jaworski, G., John, P. R., Napoli, D. R., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Barrientos, D., Bortolato, D., Benzoni, G., Bracco, A., Brambilla, S., Camera, F., Crespi, F.  .  ., Leoni, S., Million, B., Pullia, A., Wieland, O., Bazzacco, D., Lenzi, S.  ., Lunardi, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Recchia, F., Bellato, M., Isocrate, R., Egea Canet, F. J., Didierjean, F., Duchêne, G., Baumann, R., Brucker, M., Dangelser, E., Filliger, M., Friedmann, H., Gaudiot, G., Grapton, J. N., Kocher, H., Mathieu, C., Sigward, M.-H., Thomas, D., Veeramootoo, S., Dudouet, J., Stézowski, O., Aufranc, C., Aubert, Y., Labiche, M., Simpson, J., Burrows, I., Coleman-Smith, P. J., Grant, A., Lazarus, I. H., Morrall, P. S., Pucknell, V. F. E., Boston, A. J., Judson, D. S., Lalovic, N., Nyberg, J., Collado, J., González, J. V., Kuti, I., Nyakó, B. M., Maj, A. & Rudigier, M., 2017 May 21, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 855, p. 1-12 12 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review