Balder beamline - Hard X-ray absorption spectroscopy


    Infrastructure Details

    Name of national/international infrastructure this infrastructure belongs to

    MAX IV Laboratory


    Simultaneous XAS (x-ray absorption) + XES (x-ray emission). XAS at 2.4 – 40 keV; XES at 2.3 – 25 keV with two independent braches (for two energy bands). Quick scanning: full EXAFS for 0.5 sec. Gas infrastructure for in-situ and in-operando catalysis. Several in-situ catalysis cells available. LHe cryostat with quick sample exchange. Simultaneous powder XRD. Reflective XAFS setup. Microfluidics setups.

    Equipment and resources

    Two 7-element fluorescence detectors. XES spectrometer with 3 crystal sets. LHe close-cycle cryostat. Gas handling and mixing system with a vaporizer and MassSpec. Several in-situ cells.
    Digital data of absorption and emission spectra.

    Services provided

    User support during user beamtime. Measurements of post-in samples including data quality control (implemented later).

    Management of the infrastructure

    The beamline is headed by a beamline scientist, time for experiments is allocated through a peer review process by an external program advisory committee. The scientific scope of the beamline is defined in interaction with the management of MAX IV Laboratory and the Scientific Advisory Committee.

    UKÄ subject classification

    • Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation

    Type of infrastructure

    • Equipment
    • Services