Gamma counter for the measurement of 210Pb


    Infrastructure Details


    Lead 210 Lab


    The laboratory measures the natural gamma radiation in samples from sediment cores for 210Pb and its daughter products and 137Cs. Models are used to determine the sediment rate.
    The facility has the capability of measuring 8-10 sediment cores per year with most of the samples (90%) coming from investigators at LU and a small portion of external samples measured.
    The process is slow and usually takes 2 months once dried sediment material is received from the user. Samples must be changed daily by a person. If there is a cue for the instrument, it can take up to 6 months to obtain a sedimentation rate.

    Equipment and resources

    Ortec germanium detector (Model GEM-FX8530P4-RB), Ultra Low Background Lead Shield, Electrical cooling unit, Multi-channel analyzer, GammaVision software, calibration source

    All instrumentation are placed in the Lead 210 Laboratory in Room 170 in the Geology Building.

    Services provided

    Measuring of sedimentation rates from sediment cores. Includes counting of gamma radiation and using models to determine sedimentation rates.

    UKÄ subject classification

    • Geology

    Type of infrastructure

    • Equipment
    • Services