Infrastructure Details
Name of national/international infrastructure this infrastructure belongs to
MAX IV Laboratory
HIPPIE is a state-of-the-art beamline for Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS). The combination of the exceptional performance of the 3 GeV ring with an innovative design of the experimental station results in a beamline which is outstanding not just in a pure electron spectroscopy context, but which also significantly expands the scientific issues that can be addressed. Thus HIPPIE will serve a much wider user community than the traditional electron spectroscopy one. The overarching objective of the HIPPIE beamline is to address the pressure and materials gaps, that is to relax the vacuum constraints, which traditionally have limited the processes and systems possible to study, and to move from model to real – and thereby often much more complicated – materials systems.
Equipment and resources
Ambient pressure XPS and XAS experiments at pressures up to 30 mbar and 120 Hz. (Scienta HIPP-3 analyzer). Laser heating to 600dC
Gas panel for premixing of gas
QMS (Hidden) for gas analysis
PM-IRAS (Bruker Vertex 70) (Available from 2018 II)
Standard UHV preparation chamber with LEED, sputter gun and sample heater.
Gas panel for premixing of gas
QMS (Hidden) for gas analysis
PM-IRAS (Bruker Vertex 70) (Available from 2018 II)
Standard UHV preparation chamber with LEED, sputter gun and sample heater.
Services provided
Data collection with the following techniques: APXPS, APXAS, reactivity measurements, PM-IRAS, Electrochemical measurements.
Management of the infrastructure
The beamline is headed by a beamline scientist, time for experiments is allocated through a peer review process by an external program advisory committee. The scientific scope of the beamline is defined in interaction with the management of MAX IV Laboratory and the Scientific Advisory Committee.
UKÄ subject classification
- Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
Type of infrastructure
- Equipment
- Services