The Solid Mechanics Lab @ LTH is a well equipped laboratory for mechanical testing of materials with hydraulic and mechanical testing machines for different sized samples and load levels. The equipment includes industry-standard machines plus in-housedeveloped devices. The standard tension and compression testing can be complemented with advanced measurement techniques such as DigitialImage Correlation and X-ray tomography.
The Solid Mechanics Lab is connected to the 4DImaging Lab. The mechanical workshop at the Division of Solid Mechanics are supporting the Solid MechanicsLab in building equipment for testing and samplepreparation.
The facility is housing a number of different tensile
test machines including: one 250kN uniaxial servohydraulic
MTS machine; one 100kN uniaxial
mechanical Instron machine; one 500N uniaxial
Shimadzu EZ-S tester; three in-house built uniaxial
testers for in-situ tests; one in-house built biaxial
tester. To enable advanced, full-field deformation
measurements two 3D-surface Digital Image
Correlation systems are available, one high resolution
system (29Mpixel @ 4fps) and one medium speed
system (1Mpixel @ 500fps). Furthermore, the Solid
Mechanics Lab has equipment for multiaxial testing
with hydraulic confinement pressure using a Vindum
VP1-12K-SS continuous pulse-free high pressure
metering pump (maximum pressure approximate 82
MPa). The lab equipment also includes hardness
testers (Rockwell and Brinell), an impact tester
(Charpy), ultrasonic transducers and source-receiver
system (Lecouer electroniques USKey), hall probe for
magnetic field measurements and a range of National
Instruments electronics for data acquisition and
experiment control.
The Solid Mechanics Lab @ LTH provides mechanical testing using both standard methods and customized setups and equipment. Currently, only limited support to users outside the division is provided due to insufficient funding.
All acquired data are stored locally.
Booking, operation and management of the facility by
J. Engqvist.
- Engineering and Technology