The Edlén laboratory


    Infrastructure Details

    Name of national/international infrastructure this infrastructure belongs to

    Imperial college London and National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) in MD host similar instrumentation but with different specifications. A close collaboration ensures that broad studies can use several instruments for maximal impact.


    The infrastructure consists of 3 high-resolution spectrometers, covering the VUV, UV-optical and optical/near-IR wavelengths regions, respectively.
    The main use is for laboratory astrophysics, i.e. registration of emission from gas-phase atoms and ions producing high-precision atomic data for current astrophysical problem. Additional use is collaborations within Lund Laser Centre (Atomic Physics and Combustion physics), as well as calibration for exoplanet detection (e.g. gas cells).

    Equipment and resources

    Bruker IFS 125HR FTIR
    Chelsea Instrument FT500

    Services provided

    The facility can provide high spectral resolution (R=106) measurements of emission and absorption samples in the region 1600Å to 5 m

    Management of the infrastructure

    The infrastructure is used by the Atomic Astrophysics group and its collaborators, and for teaching activites. There is no formal management of the infrastructure.

    UKÄ subject classification

    • Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology

    Type of infrastructure

    • Equipment