Usability Laboratory


    Infrastructure Details


    UX Lab


    The UX Lab can be employed in situations where one wants to observe the interplay between humans and products or between humans and humans under controlled conditions. Some examples:

    • User testing of products or prototypes, e.g. software, electronic apparatuses and packages
    • Focus groups
    • Brainstorming sessions
    • Interviews
    • Research experiments with test subjects

    Equipment and resources

    The UX Lab consists of a test room and a control room that are separated by a mirror wall. That means that the people in the test room can neither see nor hear activities in the control room. There are several cameras and microphones in the test room; two of the cameras can be remotely operated from the control room. The control room also has recording equipment and picture and sound mixers.

    Services provided

    Physical access.

    Management of the infrastructure

    Laboratory Director: Operative responsibility for the activities, safety and work environments: Joakim Eriksson, [email protected], 046-222 80 15

    Communication: Jessika Sellergren, [email protected], 046-222 85 10

    UKÄ subject classification

    • Interaction Technologies

    Type of infrastructure

    • Equipment
    • Services