- Lund University
- Profile areas and other strong research environments
- Lund University Profile areas
- Strategic research areas (SRA)
- BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate
- ELLIIT: the Linköping-Lund initiative on IT and mobile communication
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health
- eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
- EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden
- MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World
- MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system
- MultiPark: Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson´s disease
- NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
- SPI: Sustainable Production Initiative
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy
- Other Strong Research Environments
- Faculty of Engineering, LTH
- Departments at LTH
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Architecture and Built Environment
- Department of Automatic Control
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Department of Building and Environmental Technology
- Division of Building Materials
- Division of Building Physics
- Division of Building Services
- Division of Construction Management
- Division of Energy and Building Design
- Division of Fire Safety Engineering
- Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety
- Division of Structural Engineering
- Division of Water Resources Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Construction Sciences
- Department of Design Sciences
- Department of Electrical and Information Technology
- Department of Energy Sciences
- Department of Immunotechnology
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
- Department of Technology and Society
- LTH School of Engineering in Helsingborg
- School of Aviation
- Faculty Office, LTH
- LTH Profile areas
- LTH Profile Area: Aerosols
- LTH Profile Area: AI and Digitalization
- LTH Profile Area: Circular Building Sector
- LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health
- LTH Profile Area: Food and Bio
- LTH Profile Area: Nanoscience and Semiconductor Technology
- LTH Profile Area: Photon Science and Technology
- LTH Profile Area: The Energy Transition
- LTH Profile Area: Water
- Other operations, LTH
- Centre for Engineering Education CEE
- Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments
- Combustion Centre
- Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology at Lund University (CAST)
- Create Health
- LUNARC, Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University
- Lund Laser Centre, LLC
- Lund University Medical Laser Centre
- Lund University School of Industrial Design
- Metalund
- Moisture Research Centre
- NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
- Process Industry Centre at Lund University, PIC-LU
- Vattenhallen Science Center
- X-Lab
- Departments at LTH
- Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
- Faculty of Law
- Department of Law
- Dispute resolution
- Environmental Law
- EU Law
- Health Law
- Human Rights Law
- Integration and Law
- Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC)
- Law and Vulnerabilities
- Legal history
- Lund Tax Academy
- Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU)
- Migration Law
- Norma Research Programme
- Public International Law
- Public Law
- Faculty of Medicine
- Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
- Section I
- Biomarkers and epidemiology
- Breast/lungcancer
- Breast/ovarian cancer
- Breastcancer
- Breastcancer-genetics
- Breast cancer treatment
- Cancerepidemiology and radiation
- Cell mechanobiology
- Medical Molecular Biology
- Medical oncology
- Melanoma
- Oncology corporate
- Radiation therapy
- Therapeutic pathology
- Transl oncogenomics
- Tumor microenvironment
- Urothelial cancer
- Section II
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Anesthesia, pain and cancer outcome
- Cardiothoracic anesthesia and intensive care
- Center for cardiac arrest
- Clinical Research in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
- Critical infections
- Fluid resuscitation in critical illness
- Health care related infections in seriously and critically ill patients
- Intensive Care Epidemiology
- Muscle disease
- Neurosurgical intensive care
- Pediatric anesthesia and intensive care
- Cardiology
- Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg
- Medical Ethics
- Medicine, Lund
- Nephrology
- Respiratory Medicine, Allergology, and Palliative Medicine
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Breathlessness and chronic respiratory failure
- Clinical Respiratory Medicine
- Hereditary angioedema (HAE) – epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology
- Lung physiology and biomarkers
- Novel strategies targeting detrimental airway inflammation
- The Institute for Palliative Care
- Translational Respiratory Medicine
- Thoracic Surgery
- Artificial Intelligence in CardioThoracic Sciences (AICTS)
- Bleeding disorders and acute typ-A dissection
- Cardiopulmonary disease - information, support and reception
- Clinical and experimental lung transplantation
- DCD transplantation of lungs
- Heart and Lung transplantation
- Heparin bindning protein in cardiothoracic surgery
- Less invasive cardiac surgery
- Minimal invasive cardiac surgery in valvular heart disease
- Neurological injury in acute type A aortic dissection
- NPWT technology
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Section III
- Dermatology and Venereology (Lund)
- Infection Medicine (BMC)
- Airways, pathogens, innate immunity
- Antioxidation medicine
- epIgG
- Experimental Infection Medicine
- Host parasite interactions
- Infection and immunomodulation
- Infection Medicine Proteomics
- Lung infections and immunity
- Molecular Pathogenesis
- Neutrophils – new mechanisms and new biomarkers
- Quantitative immunobiology
- SEBRA Sepsis and Bacterial Resistance Alliance
- Structural Infection Medicine (STRIME)
- Translational infection medicine
- Translational Sepsis research
- Orthopaedics (Lund)
- Applied epidemiology
- Building Bone Killing Bugs
- Clinical and experimental bone healing
- CPUP - Children's Orthopedics Group
- Living with a Disability: Research from a Public Health Perspective
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Clinical Epidemiology Unit
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - From molecule to clinical implementation
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Hip diseases from the cradle to the prosthesis
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Joint injury research group
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Molecular marker research group
- Orthopaedic Sarcoma Research
- The Hip and Knee Joint Arthroplasty Research Group
- Rheumatology
- Section IV
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Brain function and behavioral mechanisms in psychopathology
- Disorders in clinical child and adolescent psychiatry
- Evidence based clinical methods
- Innovations in pediatric mental health
- Lund Clinical Research on Externalizing and Developmental psychopathology (LU-CRED)
- LUNDD (LUnd Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
- Clinical Neurophysiology
- Epilepsy Center
- Logopedics, Phoniatrics and Audiology
- Neurology, Lund
- Brain Injury After Cardiac Arrest
- Clinical Epilepsy Research
- Clinical Neurogenetics
- Clinical Stroke Research Group
- Neural stem cell biology and therapy
- Regeneration in Movement Disorders
- Restorative Parkinson Unit
- Stem Cells & Restorative Neurology
- Stroke policy and quality register research
- Translational Neurology (TNY)
- Neurosurgery
- Ophthalmology, Lund
- Biomimetic Retinal Tissue Engineering
- Clinical and epidemiological studies in medical retinal disorders
- Clinical research in corneal disease and disorders
- Clinical research in families with inherited retinal degeneration
- Clinical research in neuro-ophthalmology
- Clinical uveitis - treatment and epidemiology
- Nanomaterials for retinal prostheses
- Nanostructures in neural systems
- Ophthalmology Imaging Research Group
- Retinal degeneration: Molecular Pathology
- Retinal Molecular Homeostasi
- Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Otorhinolaryngology (Lund)
- Psychiatry (Lund)
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Section V
- Biomedical Engineering, Lund
- Clinical Physiology (Lund)
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund)
- History of Medicine
- Mass Spectrometry
- Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Lund)
- Paediatrics (Lund)
- Center of Pediatric Rheumatology
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit
- Children cardiology
- Late effects after childhood cancer treatment
- LOOPS, Lund Overweight and Obesity Preschool study group
- Neonatology
- Paediatric Haematology Research Unit
- Pediatric Autoimmunity
- Pediatric Nephrology
- Pediatric Oncology
- Pediatric surgery
- Pediatrik infectious diseases and global child health
- Redox Medicine
- Surgery and public health
- Pathology, Lund
- Surgery (Lund)
- Section I
- Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
- Cardiovascular Research - Cellular Metabolism and Inflammation
- Cardiovascular Research - Epidemiology
- Cardiovascular Research - Hypertension
- Cardiovascular research - Immune regulation
- Cardiovascular Research - Immunity and Atherosclerosis
- Cardiovascular Research - Matrix and Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
- Cardiovascular Research - Translational Studies
- Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit
- Clinical Memory Research
- Cognitive disorders
- Dermatology
- Diabetes - Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes - Epigenetics
- Diabetes - Immunovirology
- Diabetes - Islet Cell Exocytosis
- Diabetes - Islet Patophysiology
- Diabetes - Molecular Metabolism
- Diabetic Complications
- Family Medicine, Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Lifestyle
- Family medicine, cardiovascular medicine and genetics
- Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology
- Family Medicine and Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
- Genetics
- Genetics and Diabetes
- Geriatrics
- Health Economics
- Internal Medicine - Epidemiology
- Islet cell physiology
- Laryngoesophagology, Allergy and Life Quality
- Metabolic disorders and liver disease
- Neurodegenerative research
- Neuropharmacology and pain
- No translation available
- Nutrition Epidemiology
- Obstetric, Gynaecological and Prenatal Ultrasound Research
- Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
- Oftalmology, Ghosh
- Ophthalmology (Malmö)
- Orthopedics
- Paediatric Endocrinology
- Perinatal and cardiovascular epidemiology
- Preventive Paediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Rheumatology
- Social Epidemiology
- Social Medicine and Global Health
- Social Medicine and Health Policy
- Surgery
- Translational Diabetes Research
- Translational Muscle Research
- Urogynaecology and Reproductive Pharmacology
- Vascular Diseases - Clinical Research
- Department of Experimental Medical Science
- Adaptive Immunity
- Airway Inflammation and Immunology
- Antigen Presentation
- Appetite Regulation
- Associative Learning
- Basal Ganglia Pathophysiology
- Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory
- Biomarkers in Brain Disease
- Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (BRCMH)
- Brain Repair and Imaging in Neural Systems (BRAINS)
- Cell Death, Lysosomes and Artificial Intelligence
- Cellular Biomechanics
- Chemical Biology and Therapeutics
- CNS Gene Therapy
- Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology
- Diabetes and Brain Function
- Epigenetics and Chromatin Dynamics
- Experimental Dementia Research
- Extracellular signaling and cell fate
- Glia-Immune Interactions
- Glial and Neuronal Biology
- Glucose Transport and Protein Trafficking
- Glycobiology
- Host-Pathogen Interactions
- Human Neural Developmental Biology
- Insulin Signal Transduction
- Integrative Neurophysiology
- Integrative Physiology
- Invertebrate Developmental Biology, Udo Haecker's group
- Lung Bioengineering and Regeneration
- Lung Biology
- Medical Microspectroscopy
- Medical Structural Biology
- Membrane Protein Structural Biology
- Molecular Biophysics
- Molecular Endocrinology
- Molecular Enzymology
- Molecular Evolution
- Molecular Neurogenetics
- Molecular Neuromodulation
- Molecular Vascular Physiology
- Mucosal Immunology
- Muscle Biology
- Nanomedicine and Biomaterials
- Neural Basis of Sensorimotor Control
- Neural Plasticity and Repair
- Neural stem cells
- Neurobiology
- Neuroendocrine Cell Biology
- Neuroinflammation
- Neuronano Research Center (NRC)
- Neurophysiology
- Protein Bioinformatics
- Protein Evolution
- Protein Phosphorylation
- Proteomic Hematology
- Regenerative Neurophysiology
- Respiratory Cell Biology
- Respiratory Immunopharmacology
- Sensory Neurophysiology
- Stem Cells, Aging and Neurodegeneration
- Translational Cancer Pharmacology
- Translational Neuroendocrinology
- Translational Neurogenetics
- Vascular Biology
- Vascular Physiology
- Vessel Wall Biology
- Virus Biophysics
- Virus Recognition
- Department of Health Sciences
- Active and Healthy Ageing Research Group
- Applied Gerontology
- Care in high technological environments
- Health-promoting Complex Interventions
- Human Movement: health and rehabilitation
- Integrative Health Research
- Mental Health, Activity and Participation
- Midwifery research - reproductive, perinatal and sexual health
- MoRe Lab
- National Graduate School on Ageing and Health
- Proactive Integrated Care
- Rehabilitation and Sustainable Health
- Rehabilitation medicine
- Sport Sciences
- Sustainable occupations and health in a life course perspective
- Department of Laboratory Medicine
- Division of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology
- Division of Clinical Genetics
- Aneuploidy in cancer
- Center for Translational Genomics (CTG)
- Genetic and epigenetic studies of pediatric leukemia
- Genetic chaos in aggressive cancer
- Pathways of cancer cell evolution
- Synthetic Immunology
- Targeted therapies in leukemia
- The genetics of soft tissue tumors
- The pathogenetic mechanisms behind MLL-rearranged acute leukemia in infancy
- Translational Genomic and Functional Studies of Leukemia
- Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine
- Division of Medical Microbiology
- Division of Microbiology, Immunology and Glycobiology - MIG
- Division of Molecular Hematology (DMH)
- Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy
- Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University
- Division of stem cell research
- Division of Translational Cancer Research
- SciLifeLab Site@Lund
- Department of Translational Medicine
- Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics in Cardiothoracic Sciences (AIBCTS)
- Cancer Immunology, Malmö
- Cardiac Inflammation Research Group
- Cell Pathology, Malmö
- Clinical Chemistry, Malmö
- Clinical Coagulation, Malmö
- Clinical infection medicine
- Clinical Microbiology, Malmö
- Clinical pathology, Malmö
- Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Malmö
- Clinical Virology, Malmö
- Experimental Cancer Research, Malmö
- Experimental Infection Medicine, Malmö
- Experimental Pathology, Malmö
- Hand Surgery, Malmö
- Medical Microbiology, Malmö
- Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö
- Molecular genetic reproductive medicine, Malmö
- Molecular Pathology, Malmö
- Nuclear medicine, Malmö
- Pathology, Malmö
- Protein Chemistry, Malmö
- Radiology Diagnostics, Malmö
- Register-based epidemiology
- Reproductive medicine, Malmö
- Systems Virology
- Urological cancer, Malmö
- Urology - urothelial cancer, Malmö
- Faculty Office - BMC
- Library and ICT-services
- LU-ATMP: Lund University Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
- Lund University Bioimaging Center
- The Faculty of Medicine Centre for Teaching and Learning
- University Veterinary
- WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine
- Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
- Faculty of Science
- Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Research groups at the Department of Biology
- Animal Flight Lab
- Animal Navigation Lab
- Aquatic Ecology
- Biodiversity and Conservation Science
- Bioinformatics
- Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology
- Genetics of Sex Differences
- Lund Vision Group
- Microbial Biogeochemistry in Lund
- Microbial Ecology
- Microbiology Group
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab
- Pheromone Group
- Plant Biology
- Population biology, micro- and macroevolution
- Soil Ecology
- Speciation, Adaptation and Coevolution
- Systematic Biology Group
- Sections at the Department of Biology
- Research groups at the Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Geology
- Department of Physics
- Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Departments of Administrative, Economic and Social Sciences
- Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)
- Centre for European Studies
- Department of Communication and Media
- Department of Gender Studies
- Department of Human Geography
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Service Studies
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Sociology of Law
- Department of Strategic Communication
- LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
- School of Social Work
- Departments of Administrative, Economic and Social Sciences
- Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
- Departments
- Centre for Languages and Literature
- Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
- Administration
- Affiliated (CTR)
- Affiliated Bible, Politics and Culture
- Affiliated Church History
- Affiliated Didactics of Religion
- Affiliated Ethics
- Affiliated Global Christianity and interreligious Relations
- Affiliated History of Religions
- Affiliated Islamic Studies
- Affiliated Jewish Studies
- Affiliated New Testament Exegesis
- Affiliated Old Testament Exegesis
- Affiliated Philosophy of Religion
- Affiliated Practical Theology
- Affiliated Systematic Theology
- No translation available
- Biblical Studies
- Church and Mission Studies
- Didactics of Religion
- History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science
- Researchers in interdisciplinary projects
- Studies in Faith and World Views
- Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
- Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
- Administration
- Centre for Oresund Region Studies
- Division of ALM, Digital Cultures and Publishing Studies
- Division of Art History and Visual Studies
- Division of Book History
- Division of Ethnology
- Division of Fashion Studies
- Division of History of Ideas and Sciences
- Division of Musicology and Intermedia Studies
- Information Practices: Communication, Culture and Society
- Sound Environment Centre
- The Cultural Studies Group of Neuroscience
- Department of Communication and Media
- Department of Educational Sciences
- Department of History
- Department of Philosophy
- Research platforms, HT
- Units
- Departments
- Lund University School of Economics and Management, LUSEM
- MAX IV Laboratory
- MAX IV, Accelerator division
- MAX IV, Administrative division
- MAX IV, Safety
- MAX IV, Science division
- MAX IV, Technical division
- University Cultural and Public Centres
- University Management and Central Administration
- Central Administration
- Corporate Communication
- Division of External Relations
- Human Resources
- Legal and Record Management
- LU Estates
- No translation available
- Occupational Health Services
- Offices of the Vice-Chancellor
- Research, Collaboration and Innovation
- Student Affairs
- University Management
- Central Administration
- University Specialised Centres
- Campus Helsingborg
- Library
- Profile areas and other strong research environments