Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 702 results
Search results
Early-life sicknesses as drivers of animal movement later in life
Hegemann, A. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Microbial agency in terrestrial biogeochemistry: the ecological feedback to change
Rousk, J. (PI)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Uncovering spatial and temporal variation in avian heat tolerance
Nord, A. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund, Swedish Research Council
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Group behaviour, information transfer and fitness consequences in mixed-species animal groups
Nilsson, A. (PI), Hulthén, K. (Researcher) & Brönmark, C. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
VIGILANT: Targeting ER Import and Activation of Viral Glycoproteins: Towards Broad-Spectrum Antivirals
Knecht, W. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
AGRI4POL: Promoting sustainable agriculture for pollinators
Smith, H. (PI), Walters, R. (Researcher) & Rundlöf, M. (Researcher)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
How noisy information informs accurate responses in natural and artificial systems
Dacke, M. (PI)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
EDEMEX: Lungfunktion vid fysisk aktivitet
Andersson, J. (Researcher), Lodin-Sundström, A. (Researcher), Sjögreen, B. (Researcher) & Linér, M. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
VALOR: VALues and dependence of society on pollinatORs
Smith, H. (PI), Walters, R. (Researcher), Rundlöf, M. (Researcher) & Brady, M. V. (Researcher)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Effects of a changed grazing regime on the Revingehed military area on breeding success of Jackdaws
Hegemann, A. (PI)
Stiftelsen Lunds Djurskyddsfond
2024/12/08 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
FORCE - Center för livsmedelsresiliens och konkurrenskraft
Tullberg, C. (Project coordinator), Purhagen, J. (Researcher), Skar Olsen, H. (Project communication officer), Nordell, E. (Researcher), Schelin, J. (Researcher), Grey, C. (Researcher), Håkansson, Å. (Researcher), Wilhelmsson, F. (Researcher), Jörgensen, C. (Researcher), Edenbrandt, A. (Researcher), Nordström, J. (Researcher), Brady, M. V. (Researcher), Becker, P. (Researcher), Norrman, A. (Researcher), Johansson, J. (Researcher), Nilsson, F. (Researcher), Jagtap, S. (Researcher), Kalling, T. (Researcher), Persson, M. (Researcher), Lundin, O. (Researcher), Grimsberg, Å. (Researcher), Hammenhag, C. (Researcher), Hagström, G. (Researcher) & Villaplana, F. (Researcher)
2024/12/01 → 2028/11/30
Project: Research
Nattens okända mångfald - ny teknik hjälper oss förstå nattfjärilarnas roll i vår miljö
Pettersson, L. B. (PI)
Stiftelsen Lunds Djurskyddsfond
2024/11/26 → 2026/11/25
Project: Research
Examining the expansion of Puumalavirus in Scania
Stiftelsen Lunds Djurskyddsfond
2024/11/25 → 2026/11/24
Project: Research
Försvårar ökad parasitförekomst anpassningar till klimatförändringar?
Andreasson, F. (PI)
Stiftelsen Lunds Djurskyddsfond
2024/11/25 → 2025/11/24
Project: Research
UV-VIS spectrophotomentry for nanoplastic detection
Müller, S. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/11/14
Project: Research
JellyScope: Next generation AI driven continuous plankton monitoring
Hendriks, I. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/11/14
Project: Research
Protists -omics: Diving into Protists diversity through Long-Reads Metabarcoding, Metagenomics and Whole Genome Sequencing
Boisard, J. (Researcher)
2024/11/14 → …
Project: Research
Effekter av kronisk malaria hos en långdistansflygande sångfågel
Erland Hansson, A. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/11/30
Project: Research
Evaluation of mitochondrial oxygen consumption in response to nutritional and immunological challenges in Japanese quail
Saccani Hervas, L. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
SERS biosensing of fungal secondary metabolites
Kasztelan, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/11/14
Project: Research
Evolutionary history of the female-limited colour polymorphism of Ischnura damselflies
Lavanchy, G. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/11/14 → 2026/10/31
Project: Research
POLLCLIM: Plant adaptation in a changing pollination climate
Opedal, Ø. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/11/01 → 2029/10/31
Project: Research
BirdScan Radar at Fågelsundet 2024
Åkesson, S. (PI)
Heliaca Naturvårdsförvaltning AB
2024/11/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Evolutionary dynamics across the life cycle of an insect
Nilén, S. (PI)
Royal Swedish Academy of Science
2024/10/31 → 2026/10/09
Project: Research
Vetenskapligt möte, Rosario, Argentina
Hansson, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/10/18 → 2026/10/09
Project: Research
Eavsdropping on plankton -lipid signaling in the sea
Selander, E. (PI)
2024/10/02 → 2026/09/30
Project: Research
Characterizing the morphological switch of the opportunistic pathogen Mycobacterium avium
Laschanzky, K. (PI)
Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne
2024/09/26 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Jämförande studier av flyttningsbeteendets genetik
Bensch, S. (PI)
2024/09/01 → 2026/09/30
Project: Research
BRYOMOLECULES: Bioprospecting and production of bioactive molecules from European bryophytes
Cronberg, N. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2027/08/31
Project: Research
DrunkButterflies: Detoxifying alcohol in the wild- Investigating convergent evolution among butterflies feeding on fermenting fruits
Halali, S. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Återhämta torskbestånd med hjälp av artificiella rev
Persson, A. (PI)
Stiftelsen J. Gust. Richerts Minne
2024/09/01 → 2025/08/30
Project: Research
ELnD: Ecological Loss and Damage
Walters, R. (CoI), Boyd, E. (PI), Smith, H. (Researcher), Persson, A. (Researcher), Wullenkord, M. (Researcher), Becker, P. (Researcher), Rummukainen, M. (Researcher) & N'guetta, A. (Research student)
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Research
QBSF: Quantitative Biodiversity science for Finance
Munoz, C. J. (Researcher), Sahlin, U. (Researcher), Smith, H. (Researcher) & Silvestro, D. (Researcher)
2024/07/10 → 2029/07/10
Project: Dissertation
Evolutionary feedbacks between genetic diversity, population size change,and sexual selection
Penna, A. (Researcher) & Svensson, E. (Researcher)
2024/07/01 → …
Project: Research
Exploring fungal decision making and agency in symbiotic interactions
Aleklett Kadish, K. (PI), Zou, H. (Researcher), Hammer, E. (Researcher) & Mongès, A. (Researcher)
V. Kann Rasmussen foundation (vkrf)
2024/07/01 → 2027/06/30
Project: Research
Decomposing the decomposers: elucidating the drivers of fungal necromass carbon cycling in soils
Maillard, F. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2026/05/27
Project: Research
Hanöbuktens miljö i fokus: betydelse och konsekvenser av TT-Line Marco Polos grundstötning
Filipsson, H. (PI), Persson, A. (Researcher) & Ljung, K. (Researcher)
2024/05/27 → 2026/12/06
Project: Research
Monitoring of pesticides in pollen collected by bees
Rundlöf, M. (PI)
The Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health (NKE)
2024/05/14 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Participation at the International Congress of Entomology in Kyoto, Japan
Halali, S. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2025/05/07
Project: Research
Role of individual variation in natural systems
Lee, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2026/05/08
Project: Research
Impacts of sound on fungal growth and foraging behaviour
Aleklett Kadish, K. (PI) & Ohlsson, P. (Researcher)
Stiftelsen Ove Almborns donationsfond
2024/05/07 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Ett pangenome för italiensk sparv, en ung hybridart
Tunström, K. (PI)
Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
2024/05/02 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Kemiskt landskap medierar kolonisering artbildning på en ny värdnisch
Steward, R. (PI)
Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
2024/05/02 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
The effects of multifunctional landscapes on Hymenoptera in Swedish forest ecosystems
Olsson, O. (PI)
Stiftelsen Valdemar och Emmy Gustavssons Naturvårdsfond
2024/04/17 → 2025/04/16
Project: Research
Drönarinventering av tumlare vid Kullaberg
Stedt, J. (PI)
Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen
2024/04/01 → 2025/03/31
Project: Research
Självläkning av sprickor i betong med hjälp av svampar
Zou, H. (PI)
Swedish Transport Administration
2024/04/01 → 2025/04/30
Project: Research
Is haemoglobin a useful health biomarker of air pollution?
Garcia Dominguez, S. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/03/15 → 2026/03/31
Project: Research
Bioenergi från marginalmark och dess inverkan på biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster
Winberg, J. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/03/15 → 2025/03/14
Project: Research