Activities per year
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The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2019 - a training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance in the Baltic Sea region and countries in the EU Eastern Partnership. (teacher)
Lennhag, M. (Lecturer)
2019 JunActivity: Other › Commissioned education
SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals Western Balkans (SAYP Western Balkans) (teacher)
Lennhag, M. (Lecturer)
2018 AugActivity: Other › Commissioned education
The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2018 - a training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance in the Baltic Sea region and countries in the EU Eastern Partnership. (teacher)
Lennhag, M. (Lecturer) & Hedin, A. (Lecturer)
2018 JunActivity: Other › Commissioned education
The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2017 - a training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance in the Baltic Sea region and countries in the EU Eastern Partnership. (teacher)
Lennhag, M. (Lecturer) & Hedin, A. (Lecturer)
2017 JunActivity: Other › Commissioned education
The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2015 - A training programme to build new networks, knowledge and practices for increased transparency, efficiency and resilience in public administration, for policymakers, public servants and civil society workers (in Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine & Sweden)
Lennhag, M. (Organiser) & Bringselius, L. (Organiser)
2015 JunActivity: Other › Commissioned education
The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) 2014 - A training programme to develop awareness, resilience and transparency in governance in the EU Eastern Partnership countries (Belarus, Georgia, Moldova & Ukraine)
Lennhag, M. (Organiser)
2014 Sept → 2014 OctActivity: Other › Commissioned education
Coordinator and teacher at education in anticorruption work and good governance, targeting Russian state officials
Lennhag, M. (Host)
2011Activity: Other › Commissioned education