Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 141 results
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PEMA: Public employees' mobilization against the lnformers Act.
Lundberg, A. (Researcher)
2025/02/01 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
EnJUSTICE: The Transitional Environmental Justice
Sikora, K. (Researcher) & Nafstad, I. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Girls just want to have Sc(AI)ence: creating a research network to fostering women participation in technoscience
Fantasia, V. (Project coordinator), Askin, G. (Research student), Larsson, S. (Project coordinator), Tanqueray, L. (Research student), Stedtler, S. (Research student) & Topp, E. A. (Project coordinator)
2025/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Network
ProTest: Protest as a Democracy Test: Protest Culture under Transformation and as a Transformative Power
Molavi, M. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Rights of nature, participation and governance in Europe: a sociolegal study of the Mar Menor (Spain) as a subject of rights
Serrano Cardona, N. (Researcher)
2024/11/01 → 2027/10/31
Project: Research
INTEGRATE: Integrative Approaches to Labor Exploitation and Work-related crime: Knowledge translation, transfer and exchange in the Nordic Context
Schoultz, I. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Barns rättigheter och barns perspektiv i kommunalt beslutsfattande
Sonander, A. (Researcher)
2024/05/06 → …
Project: Research
MARS: MARS: Non-Western Migration Regimes in a Global Perspective
Eraliev, S. (PI), Urinboyev, R. (CoPI) & Kilichova, C. (Administrator)
2024/02/01 → 2028/01/31
Project: Research
Seeking Justice Far from Home: A Multi-sited Ethnographic Inquiry into Diaspora Mobilizations in Sweden and Germany in the Aftermath of the Yazidi Genocide
Bostan, C. (Researcher)
2024/02/01 → 2027/01/31
Project: Research
CRC: Projekttitel: Barnrättsliga dynamiker. En jämförande analys av vårdnadsmål i tre rättskulturer
Lundberg, A. (Researcher), Sonander, A. (Researcher), Lindbekk, M. (Researcher) & Urinboyev, R. (Researcher)
2024/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Vulnerability in the Automated State
Fernandes Da Silva Ranchordás, S. H. (PI), Käll, J. (PI), Larsson, S. (Researcher), York, T. (Research student), Nerland, E. H. (Research student) & Mattsson, T. (Researcher)
2023/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
Rättvisa och ansvarsutkrävande vid företags involvering i internationella brott. Rättsliga strider och strategier i Lundin-rättegången
Schoultz, I. (PI), Törnqvist, N. (Researcher) & Holm, F. (Researcher)
2023/06/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
More than green - Lighthouses of transformative nature-based solutions for inclusive communities
Vargas Falla, A. M. (Researcher)
2023/05/01 → 2025/02/28
Project: Research
Children’s voices, rights and development: Future practices for a resilient childhood
Psouni, E. (Project coordinator), Lundberg, A. (Researcher), Sandberg, H. (Researcher), Ponnert, L. (Researcher), Burcar Alm, V. (Researcher), Sonander, A. (Researcher), Thorup, E. (Researcher), Järvholm, K. (Researcher), Kempe, T. (Researcher), Kim, Y. (Researcher), Johansson, R. (Researcher), Hamad, H. (Research student), Angelöw, A. (Research student), Andersson Søe, M. (Research student), Han, G. (Research student), Lundqvist, Å. (Researcher), Eldén, S. (Researcher), Mallén, A. (Researcher), Alenius Wallin, L. (Research student), Hjort, T. (Researcher), Johansson, S. (Researcher), Svensson, K. (Researcher), Johansson, M. (Research student), Gusic, S. (Researcher), Knutsson, J. (Researcher), Nyström, B. (Researcher), Westergren, M. (Research student), Anving, T. (Researcher) & Funkquist Sköld, L. (Researcher)
2023/05/01 → …
Project: Network
CISR: Crisis Inequalities and Social Resilience (CISR)
Rydström, H. (PI), Turner, S. (Project coordinator), Hill, A. (Project coordinator), Banerjee, S. (Project coordinator), Hjärpe, T. (Researcher), Nicoli Aldini, C. (Researcher), Caretta, M. A. (Researcher), Gregoratti, C. (Researcher), Gustafsson, N. (Researcher), Harnesk, D. (Researcher), Islar, M. (Researcher), Kauko, S. (Researcher), Kim, Y. (Researcher), Linnell, M. (Researcher), Lundqvist, M. (Researcher), Lundberg, T. (Researcher), Mathieu, C. (Researcher), Di Matteo, C. (Researcher), Mattsson, A. (Researcher), Nordbeck, P. (Researcher), Qamar, A. H. (Researcher), Samper, J. A. (Researcher), Solano, P. (Researcher), Wiggill, M. (Researcher) & Zhao, H. (Researcher)
2023/04/27 → …
Project: Research
MOCCA: Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia
Urinboyev, R. (Researcher)
2023/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
ICARUS: Illuminating power dynamics in Cross-scale Adaptation for more Resilient and jUst
Boyd, E. (PI), Scown, M. (CoI), Vargas Falla, A. M. (Researcher) & Jackson, G. (Researcher)
2022/11/30 → 2026/11/30
Project: Research
Feeling queer, feeling real: Affective economies of truth in queer asylum politics
Zisakou, S. (Researcher)
2022/08/16 → …
Project: Dissertation
Revolving doors to the private sector? A sociolegal study on top state and region officials' transitions to the private sector and their regulation
Schoultz, I. (PI), Muhire, H. (Research student) & Mulinari, S. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Administrative Law Reform and Legal Integration in Hybrid Political Regimes
Urinboyev, R. (PI) & Thornhill, C. (CoPI)
2021/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
PROMI: Provision of labour rights to migrant workers
Schoultz, I. (Researcher)
2021/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
AI in the Name of the Common Good - Relations of data, AI and humans in health and public sector
Högberg, C. (PI), Larsson, S. (Supervisor), de Vries, K. (Assistant supervisor) & Lång, K. (Assistant supervisor)
Swedish Research Council, Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2020/09/01 → 2025/09/01
Project: Dissertation
CRE-AI: Legal and societal implications of Generative Machine Learning, aka 'Creative Artificial Intelligence'
de Vries, K. (Researcher)
2019/02/01 → …
Project: Research
Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School
Gunneflo, M. (Project coordinator), van Meeningen, Y. (Project coordinator), Håkansson, S. (Project communication officer), Tagesson, A. (Research student), Johansson, A. (Research student), Stubbendorff, A. (Research student), Jones, B. (Research student), Nicoli Aldini, C. (Research student), Lantz, E. (Research student), Tsiakiris, G. (Research student), Hygum, I. L. (Research student), Abdulahi, I. J. (Research student), Salustiano Trojaborg, I. (Research student), Hannerz, J. (Research student), Samper, J. A. (Research student), Bello Bermejo, J. M. (Research student), Ocampo, J. (Research student), Francis, J. (Research student), Van Dooren, L. (Research student), Hemberg, L. (Research student), Ternsjö, L. (Research student), Menon, M. (Research student), Mannberg, M. (Research student), Yndal-Olsen, N. (Research student), Jönsson, K. (Project coordinator), López, J. (Research student), Önnudóttir, S. H. K. (Research student), Zalar, A. (Research student), Andersson Nystedt, T. (Research student), Nicoson, C. J. (Research student), Takman, M. (Research student), Flores, P. (Research student), Loxa, A. (Research student), Lee, S. H. (Research student), Johannesson, S. (Project communication officer) & Lindberg, H. G. (Administrator)
2018/09/26 → …
Project: Network
AIR Lund: AIR Lund - Artificially Intelligent use of Registers
Björk, J. (Researcher), Ohlsson, M. (Researcher), Melander, O. (Researcher), Ekelund, U. (Researcher), Larsson, S. (Researcher), Mattsson, T. (Researcher), Mokhtari, A. (Researcher), de Vries, K. (Researcher), Nilsson, A. (Researcher), Lingman, M. (Researcher), Pashami, S. (Researcher), Ottosson, F. (Researcher), Larsson, A. E. (Administrator), Henriksen, A. (Researcher), Högberg, C. (Research student), Olsson, M. (Research student), Nyström, A. (Research student), Olsson de Capretz, P. (Research student), Björkelund, A. (Researcher), Nilsson, A. (Researcher), Åkesson, A. (Research student), Nordberg, A. (Researcher), Ekström, M. (Researcher), Tolestam Heyman, E. (Research student), Lundager Forberg, J. (Researcher), Berg, J. (Research student), Johansson, A. (Research student), Amirahmadi, A. (Research student), Eriksson, T. (Research student), Khoshnood, A. (Researcher), Mäkinen, M. (Research student), Müllerová, P. (Researcher) & Nilsson, T. N. (Research student)
2018/07/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
LHRRH: Lund Human Rights Research Hub
Gammeltoft, T. (PI), Nilsson, A. (PI), Westregård, A. (PI), Wong, C. (PI), Nyström, B. (PI), Karageorgiou, E. (PI), Kennedy Tsunoda, E. (PI), Östlund, J. (PI), Alkan Olsson, I. (PI), Nowak, K. (PI), Halldenius, L. (PI), Lo Giacco, L. (PI), Gunneflo, M. (PI), Abelin, M. (PI), Scott, M. (PI), Gibney, M. (PI), Andersson, D.-E. (PI), Beckman, O. (PI), Stoyanova, V. (PI), Svensson, M. (PI), Bexell, M. (PI), Kinnvall, C. (PI), Alkan Olsson, J. (PI), Johansson Dahre, U. (PI), Valizadeh, S. (PI), Fuentes, A. (PI), Mares, R. (PI), Pietrogiovanni, V. (PI), Wanying, N. (PI), Bogdan, M. (PI), Alm, D. (PI), Hydén, H. (PI), Kjaerum, M. (PI), Davis, M. F. (PI), Rönnmar, M. (PI), Ring, R. (PI), Banakar, R. (PI), Persson, V. (PI), Groussot, X. (PI), Agardh, A. (PI), Aggestam, K. (PI), Bergman Rosamond, A. (PI), Johansson, H. (PI), Scherman, I. (PI), Arvidsson, M. (PI), Kalm, S. (PI), Karlsson, A. (PI), Nilsson, F. (PI), Parsa, A. (PI), Parsi, R. (PI), Ryberg Welander, L. (PI), Selberg, N. (PI), Stoyanova, V. (PI), Sturfelt, L. (PI), Sundkvist, E. (PI), Svensson, T. (PI), Tiderman, K. A. (PI), Tullberg, A. (PI), Uhlin, A. (PI) & Zackari, K. (PI)
2016/06/15 → …
Project: Network
LUCASN: Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network
Leth-Espensen, M. (Researcher), Linné, T. (Researcher), Canavan, J. (Researcher), Lindström, L. (Researcher), Ruiz Carreras, M. (Researcher), Song Lopez, G. (Researcher) & Yndal-Olsen, N. (Researcher)
2016/02/01 → …
Project: Network
Balancing Privacy and Utility - The Openness of eHealth Data
Bergwall, P. (Research student), Svensson, M. (Supervisor), Dahlstrand, K. (Assistant supervisor) & Åström, K. (Assistant supervisor)
Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control
2013/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Not started
GAIa: Genesis of AI, Life and Law: a research environment based in Gothenburg & Lund
Parsa, A. (Researcher), Arvidson, M. (Researcher), Brännström, L. (Researcher), Gunneflo, M. (Researcher), Bruncevic, M. (Researcher), de Lucia Dahlbeck, M. (Researcher), Käll, J. (Researcher), Noll, G. (Researcher) & Petrusson, U. (Researcher)
Project: Network
Digitalization and Legal Responsibility
Gunneflo, M. (Researcher), Noll, G. (Researcher), Brännström, L. (Researcher) & Parsa, A. (Researcher)
Project: Research
L&SRN: Law & the Social: An Interdisciplinary Research Network
Parsa, A. (Researcher), Selberg, N. (Researcher), Gunneflo, M. (Researcher) & Brännström, L. (Researcher)
Project: Network
Discourses and value creation in an evolving genre Consolidated accounts of state-owned enterprises 1981–2017
Rahm, H. (Researcher), Thelander, Å. (PI), Baier, M. (Researcher) & Skärlund, S. (Researcher)
Project: Research
Privatekonomins utveckling under covid-19-pandemin
Vuleta, D. (Researcher) & Svensson, M. (Researcher)
Project: Research
IncUrb: Explaining Lower Level Urbanization in Uganda and Tanzania
Mackay, H. (Researcher), Andersson, A. (Researcher), Hall, O. (Researcher), Vargas Falla, A. M. (Researcher), Dzanku, F. (Researcher), Hambati, H. (Researcher) & Mugagga, F. N. (Researcher)
Project: Research
The role of Social Norms in Fighting Corruption in Local Governments: A Case Study of the School System of Cau Giay in Hanoi
Svensson, M. (PI), Wickenberg, P. (Researcher) & Mattsson, A. (Research assistant)
International Centre for Local Democracy, Sweden
Project: Research
Roadmap of Biomaterials 4.0 - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Dicko, C. (PI), Hajizadeh, S. (CoPI), Larsson, M. (Researcher), Orlov, D. (Researcher), Aits, S. (Researcher), Bourgine, P. (Researcher) & Käll, J. (Researcher)
2023/09/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Digitax - Advanced Study Group, Pufendorf IAS
Hansson, Å. (Researcher), Brokelind, C. (PI), Wernberg, J. (Researcher), Sonnerfeldt, A. (Researcher), Lundberg, A. (Researcher) & Senyk, M. (Researcher)
2023/02/01 → 2023/12/15
Project: Research
Kartläggning av kommunalt och regionalt tillgänglighetsarbete
Dahlstrand, K. (Researcher) & Thysell, M. (Research assistant)
2022/10/15 → 2023/01/31
Project: Commissioned research
Hur påverkar tvångsförsäljningsförfarandet hos Kronofogden gäldenärernas rättviseuppfattningar?
Dahlstrand, K. (Researcher), Bergwall, P. (Researcher) & Lundholm, M. (Researcher)
2022/08/31 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
IMPEX: Informality, Migrant Precarity and Exploitation in Nordic Context: Uzbek Migrant Workers in Sweden and Finland
Eraliev, S. (Researcher)
2022/03/01 → 2024/02/29
Project: Research
MiGRaTe: Multi-level Migration Governance in Illiberal Societies: Central Asian Migrant Workers in Russia and Turkey
Eraliev, S. (Researcher)
2021/09/01 → 2023/03/31
Project: Research
Från stat/region till näringsliv. En studie om svensk reglering av offentliga ämbetspersoners och förtroendevaldas sidbyten
Schoultz, I. (PI) & Muhire, H. (Research student)
2021/08/15 → 2024/06/07
Project: Research
Responses to Labour Exploitation in Sweden - REPRESENTATIONS OF VICTIMS AND ACCESS TO JUSTICE
Schoultz, I. (Researcher)
Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten)
2021/01/01 → 2023/02/28
Project: Research
RePo: Reimagining Police and Public Safety – ASG, Pufendorf IAS
Parsa, A. (Project coordinator), Nafstad, I. (Project coordinator), Wegerstad, L. (Project coordinator), Arvidsson, M. (Researcher), Rennstam, J. (Researcher), Selberg, N. (Researcher), Wemrell, M. (Researcher) & Wästerfors, D. (Researcher)
2021/01/01 → 2021/12/31
Project: Network
Explaining inclusive lower-level urbanization in Tanzania and Uganda
Vargas Falla, A. M. (Researcher), Andersson, A. (PI) & Hall, O. (Researcher)
2020/11/30 → 2024/07/31
Project: Research
Asylum Appeals in Denmark, Germany and Sweden: A Socio-Legal Cartography
Joormann, M. (Researcher)
2020/08/01 → 2023/07/31
Project: Research
“Law in action - Policy and legal responses to the exploitation of migrant workers in the Nordic countries”
Schoultz, I. (Researcher)
Nordisk Samarbejdsråd for Kriminologi NSfK
2020/08/01 → 2022/06/30
Project: Research