Projects per year
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Förutsäga fuktskador i befintliga och nya byggnader med hjälp av AI (maskininlärnng)
Mjörnell, K. (PI)
Stiftelsen länsförsäkringsgruppens forsknings- och utvecklingsfond
2022/11/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Data-driven approach to trace and evaluate the recycling potential of PVC flooring in the building stock
Wu, P.-Y. (Researcher)
2022/10/17 → 2023/06/16
Project: Research
Re:Source: Development of machine learning-embedded applications to support hazardous material assessment in renovation and demolition
Wu, P.-Y. (Research student)
2022/10/01 → 2023/09/30
Project: Research
Förutsäga fuktskador i befintliga och nya byggnader med hjälp av AI (maskininlärning)
Wu, P.-Y. (Researcher)
2022/10/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Arvet efter Varvet - fönstrens viktig roll vid bevarandet av Kockums kulturvärde, minskat energibehov och god inomhuskomfort
Janson, U. (PI), Persson, K. (Researcher), Johansson, N. (Researcher), Johansson, D. (Researcher) & Wallentén, P. (Researcher)
2022/08/15 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
CARUACI: enhancing Climate change Adaptation and Resilience in Urban areas through combining Artificial and Collective Intelligence
Nik, V. (Project coordinator) & Javanroodi, K. (Researcher)
2022/06/01 → 2023/05/31
Project: Research
CHISMA: accounting for Climate change and Health rIsks in energy System MAnagement
Nik, V. (Project coordinator)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Demand side management using collective intelligence and accounting for user comfort
Nik, V. (Project coordinator)
2021/06/01 → 2022/11/30
Project: Research
Digitized heat grid monitoring and scenario-based design using AI and ML
Nik, V. (Researcher)
2021/04/01 → 2022/10/31
Project: Research
Åtgärder för att minska boendetäthetens påverkan på inomhusmiljön
Johansson, D. (PI) & Abdul Hamid, A. (Researcher)
2021/02/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
En hållbar cirkulär byggindustri
Janson, U. (Researcher), Neij, L. (Researcher), Johansson, D. (Researcher), Cerne, A. (Researcher), Bagge, H. (Researcher), Davidsson, H. (Researcher), Kanters, J. (Researcher) & Samuelsson, P. (Researcher)
2021/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Network
Sandberg, G. (Researcher), Persson, K. (Researcher), Landin, A. (Researcher), Serrano, E. (Researcher), Persson, P. (Researcher), Flodén, O. (Researcher), Sundling, R. (Researcher), Arfvidsson, J. (Researcher), Harderup, L.-E. (Researcher) & Abdul Hamid, A. (Researcher)
2020/07/01 → 2022/09/30
Project: Research
Reducing water damage costs in buildings by an holistic approach to technology, users and risks
Nordquist, B. (PI), Mattsson, C. (Research student), Johansson, D. (Supervisor), Wallentén, P. (Supervisor), Bagge, H. (Supervisor) & Janson, U. (Supervisor)
FORMAS, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
2020/01/01 → 2023/09/30
Project: Research
Potential impact on climate change from renovation measures on multifamily buildings in Sweden
Farsäter, K. (PI), Wahlström, Å. (CoPI), Johansson, D. (Researcher) & Mjörnell, K. (Researcher)
2019/01/01 → 2020/12/31
Project: Research
FlexiSync: Flexible energy system integration using concept development, demonstration and replication
Nik, V. (Project coordinator) & Javanroodi, K. (Researcher)
2019/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
File -
Wind-Phil Architecture, Optimization of High-rise Building Form for Efficient Summer Cooling in Tehran
Javanroodi, K. (PI) & Nik, V. (PI)
2018/10/01 → 2019/12/31
Project: Research
Moving from meso-climate to micro-climate
Javanroodi, K. (PI) & Nik, V. (PI)
2018/09/01 → 2019/09/30
Project: Network
Predicting the Energy Performance of Buildings - A Method using Probabilistic Risk Analysis for Data-driven Decision-support
Ekström, T. (Research student), Burke, S. (Assistant supervisor), Harderup, L.-E. (Supervisor) & Arfvidsson, J. (Assistant supervisor)
2018/09/01 → 2021/09/17
Project: Dissertation
The interaction of energy system, indoor environment and tenants - holistic approach to improve energy efficiency in the renovation of multi-family buildings
Wierzbicka, A. (Researcher), Pedersen, E. (PI), Gao, C. (Researcher), Borell, J. (Researcher), Nordquist, B. (Researcher), Harderup, L.-E. (Researcher), Wallentén, P. (Researcher) & Alce, G. (Researcher)
2016/11/01 → 2020/09/30
Project: Research
The PEIRE project
Pedersen, E. (Researcher), Borell, J. (Researcher), Nordquist, B. (Researcher), Wierzbicka, A. (Researcher), Wallentén, P. (Researcher), Harderup, L.-E. (Researcher), Alce, G. (Researcher), Caltenco, H. (Researcher), Omelekhina, Y. (Research student), Gao, C. (Researcher), Eggeling, J. (Research student), Stålne, K. (Researcher) & Li, Y. (Researcher)
2016/09/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
Adaptation of buildings and energy systems to uncertain future conditions – Assessing renewable energy sources and climate change
Nik, V. (Project coordinator)
2016/09/01 → 2020/09/30
Project: Research
Assessment of future urban energy systems - Future energy efficient buildings and districts
Nik, V. (Project coordinator)
2014/09/01 → 2018/09/01
Project: Research
Hållbar renovering
Farsäter, K. (PI), Wahlström, Å. (Supervisor), Johansson, D. (Assistant supervisor) & Mjörnell, K. (Assistant supervisor)
2014/08/15 → 2021/06/15
Project: Dissertation
Healthy indoor environments - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Wierzbicka, A. (Project coordinator), Nordquist, B. (Researcher), Stroh, E. (Researcher), Li, Y. (Researcher), Larsson, L. (Researcher), Persson, R. (Researcher), Stålne, K. (Researcher), Borell, J. (Researcher), Ness, B. (Researcher), Harderup, L.-E. (Researcher), Pedersen, E. (Researcher), Kuklane, K. (Researcher), Gudmundsson, A. (Researcher), Gao, C. (Researcher), Isaxon, C. (Researcher) & Wargocki, P. (Researcher)
2014/08/13 → 2015/08/14
Project: Network
Evaluating the energy retrofitting strategies of the Swedish building stock for the uncertain future climate
Nik, V. (Project coordinator)
2014/01/01 → 2018/11/30
Project: Research
Uppgradering av den befintliga bebyggelsens energiprestanda - med inriktning på klimatskalet i rekordårens flerbostadshus
Molnar, M. (PI), Larsson Ivanov, O. (Researcher), Jönsson, J. (Researcher), Nordquist, B. (Researcher), Wallentén, P. (PI), Blomsterberg, Å. (Researcher) & Hilliaho, K. (Research student)
2013/10/01 → 2016/12/31
Project: Research
Field Measurements for Verification of the Impact of Renovation and Maintenance Measures on Buildings
Abdul Hamid, A. (Research student), Arfvidsson, J. (Supervisor), Johansson, D. (Assistant supervisor), Bagge, H. (Assistant supervisor), Wallentén, P. (Assistant supervisor) & Wahlström, Å. (Assistant supervisor)
2013/07/01 → 2019/10/28
Project: Dissertation
Solenergi i stadsplanering
Neij, L. (PI), Wall, M. (Researcher), Palm, A. (Research student), Kanters, J. (Research student), Kjellsson, E. (Researcher) & Samuelsson, O. (Researcher)
2012/01/01 → 2014/12/31
Project: Research
Lighting for Sustainable Development - ASG, Pufendorf IAS
Laike, T. (Project coordinator), Karlsson, R. (Researcher), Arfvidsson, J. (Researcher), Dubois, M.-C. (Researcher), Johnsson, P. (Researcher), Nilsson, D.-E. (Researcher), Nilsson, E. (Researcher), Persson, J. (Researcher), Sjöberg, K. (Researcher) & Ståhl, L.-H. (Researcher)
2010/08/10 → 2011/08/10
Project: Network