Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 1,212 results
Search results
Nanoplastics in human tonsils - possible occurrence, absorbance, and immunological effects
Värendh, M. (Researcher)
2024/11/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Designed living environment that promotes health and well-being: Knowledge and experience exchange and new partnership research between Dalhousie University, Canada and Lund University, Sweden
Jonsson, O. (Researcher)
Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (Forte)
2024/08/12 → 2024/11/22
Project: Other
Bridging the expert knowledge gap with large language models
Agner, F. (Researcher), Pigot, H. (Researcher) & Adlercreutz, J. (Researcher)
2024/06/11 → 2025/01/11
Project: Research
Personcentrad digital och interaktiv palliativ vård
Segerlantz, M. (PI)
2024/05/02 → 2024/12/31
Project: Other
Inclusive Living Environments to Attract the Joy of Movement and Promote Physical Activity for Proactive Ageing: Theory and Method Development and Full-scale Practical Application
Jonsson, O. (Researcher), Ageberg, E. (Researcher), Johansson, M. (Researcher), Dell'isola, A. (Researcher) & Saaby Mehlum, R. (CoI)
2024/04/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Other
Leveraging generative artificial intelligence to transform “disease systems” into health systems: a person-centered approach to support proactive aging
Xu, W. (PI), Reuter, A. (Researcher), Frennert, S. (Researcher) & Sandberg, H. (Researcher)
2024/04/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Visualising the correlation of isoform expression with DNA methylation in breast cancer cells.
Thimmaraya Reddy, P. (Researcher), Staaf, J. (Supervisor) & Veerla, S. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/03/18 → 2024/11/21
Project: Research
Utveckling av PPM1H-hämmare för att underlätta stamcellsskörd vid behandling av barncancer
Nilsson, B. (PI)
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, Armec Lindebergs stiftelse
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Transposable elements and brain tumours in children
Jakobsson, J. (PI)
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
A Novel Vaccine Strategy for Promoting T cell Function by Boosting Dendritic Cells
Riesbeck, K. (PI)
Novo Nordisk Foundation, Swedish Research Council
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Breast Cancer Diagnostics in Low Resource Settings Using Point of Care Ultrasound and Deep Learning
Arvidsson, I. (PI), Lång, K. (CoPI), Karlsson, J. (Researcher), Heyden, A. (Researcher), Overgaard, N. C. (Researcher) & Sahlin, F. (Researcher)
Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena, AIDA
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Subcellular localisations of Aß antibodies for Alzheimer's disease immunotheraphy
Keppler Gouras, G. (PI)
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Primär prevention av typ 1 diabetes genom immuntolerans med oralt insulin
Elding Larsson, H. (Researcher)
Barndiabetesfonden, Odd Fellow Orden
2024/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
The neurobiological signature of psychiatric symptoms in alzheimers disease
Johansson, M. (PI)
2023/12/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund
Satapathy, S. R. (Researcher)
2023/12/01 → 2024/09/30
Project: Research
Utveckling av en ny vaccinplattform för individanpassad cancerbehandling
Thofte, O. (Researcher)
Familjen Knut och Ragnvi Jacobssons stiftelse
2023/11/16 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Exploring the neuron-specific characteristics of a rare neurodegenerative disorder using a unique patient specific neuronal model
Horvath, V. (Researcher)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2023/11/15 → 2023/11/30
Project: Research
OssiGel: the formation of human mini-bones as personalized drug-testing platform
Bourgine, P. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2023/11/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Reviewer for William’s half-time: William son Galanza - AGE-TECH: Technologies supporting engagement in meaningful activities in and out of the home while ageing
Frennert, S. (Researcher)
2023/10/24 → 2023/10/24
Project: Other
Epitranscriptomics and microRNAs in prostate cancer progression
Ceder, Y. (PI)
Mrs. Berta Kamprad's Cancer Foundation, Torsten Gesters stiftelse
2023/09/19 → 2024/09/01
Project: Research
A comprehensive framework for detecting copy number signatures of high-grade serous carcinoma using shallow whole-genome sequencing
Tang, G. (Researcher), Hedenfalk, I. (Supervisor) & Veerla, S. (Assistant supervisor)
2023/09/11 → 2024/05/30
Project: Research
Relentless Existential Threat - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Steij Stålbrand, I. (PI), Jacobsen, J. (PI), Brissman, I. (Researcher), Nyman, L. (Researcher), Sidenvall, E. (Researcher), Tranberg, M. (Researcher), Wallin, A. (Researcher), Wamsler, C. (Researcher) & Woodworth, J. (Researcher)
2023/09/07 → 2024/04/25
Project: Network
Roadmap of Biomaterials 4.0 - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Dicko, C. (PI), Hajizadeh, S. (CoPI), Larsson, M. (Researcher), Orlov, D. (Researcher), Aits, S. (Researcher), Bourgine, P. (Researcher) & Käll, J. (Researcher)
2023/09/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Sound of Democracy: How everyday sound environments support, reflect and deflect democratic values - Theme Pufendorf IAS
Kopljar, S. (PI), Gustafsson, C. (Project coordinator), Mattisson, K. (Researcher), Groth, S. K. (Researcher), Dodds, P. (Researcher), Ronchi, E. (Researcher) & Mukhtar-Landgren, D. (Researcher)
2023/09/01 → 2024/05/31
Project: Network
How are gamblers and concerned significant others affected by Spelpaus?
Håkansson, A. C. (PI)
2023/09/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Recognition of new mechanisms and consequences of early vascular aging: the role of the latest modifiable cardiometabolic risk factors
Melander, O. (PI)
2023/08/24 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Endogenous retroviruses in mental illness and their impact on brain development
Jakobsson, J. (PI)
2023/08/15 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Characterization of tau pathology heterogeneity across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum
Hansson, O. (PI)
2023/08/15 → 2024/08/14
Project: Research
Revealing drivers of cell death disruption across species and theri links to biodiversity loss and human disease
Aits, S. (PI)
2023/08/15 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Inflammation och endogena retrovirus vid hjärntrauma
Marklund, N. (PI)
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Datadriven microscopy
Nordenfelt, P. (PI)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Peripheral inflammation and APOE - its role on microglia in Alzheimer’s Disease
Deierborg, T. (PI)
Hjärnfonden, Anna och Edwin Bergers stiftelse
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
A novel XDP patient derived induced neuronal model to study the neuron specific effects of the SVA insertion
Horvath, V. (PI)
Massachusetts General Hospital
2023/07/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Tau pathology and progression of Alzheimer´s disease
Ossenkoppele, R. (PI)
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Förstå mekanismer för adaptiv plasticitet efter stroke
Ruscher, K. (PI)
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Is diabetes mellitus a prodromal pathological feature to Parkinson's disease?
Li, J.-Y. (PI)
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Apolipoprotein E4:s Roll vid Synapser
Keppler Gouras, G. (PI)
2023/07/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
SVA-mediated chromatin re-organization in XDP
Jakobsson, J. (PI)
Massachusetts General Hospital
2023/07/01 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
Träningsimiterad sträckning av lungstamceller för att främja vävnadsregenerering vid Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom
Falcones, B. (PI)
Åke och Inger Bergkvists stiftelse
2023/06/13 → 2024/08/13
Project: Research
Provide a general guideline for standard procedures for 177Lu-PSMA treatment
Strand, J. (Researcher)
2023/05/31 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Oxidative stress and inflammation in utero and risk of childhood cancer
Stajnko, A. (PI)
2023/05/29 → 2024/06/30
Project: Research
TAPAS: Taking blood apart by sound
Augustsson, P. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2023/05/01 → 2024/10/31
Project: Research
Organoid modeling of advanced lung cancer tumors
Arbajian, E. (Researcher)
2023/04/03 → 2024/05/01
Project: Research
Identifying biomarkers for gestational diabetes to predict diabetes subtypes: a step towards individualized care
Prasad, R. (Researcher)
2023/04/01 → 2024/03/31
Project: Research
Psychometric Properties Analysis of the Swedish Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Sensory Processing Measure-2 for Adolescents (aged 12-21)
Orban, K. (Researcher) & Eggink, I. (Research student)
2023/03/01 → 2023/11/30
Project: Research
Invasiv lobular carcinoma in the breast and its association with residual cancer in re-excisions and local recurrence
Allfelt, A. (Researcher), Ryden, L. (PI), Ellbrant, J. (Assistant supervisor), Alkner, S. (Assistant supervisor), Skarping, I. (Assistant supervisor) & Bendahl, P.-O. (Researcher)
2023/03/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Dissertation
Läsengagemang och Shared Reading i svenskundervisningen - ett samarbete mellan Gymnasieskolan Vipan och SOL-centrum
Ohlsson, A. (PI), Gustafsson, A. W. (Researcher) & Malmström, M. (Researcher)
2023/02/01 → 2024/06/28
Project: Research
File -
Cancerframkallande ämnen i tätortsluft (Malmö)
Mattisson, K. (PI), Stroh, E. (Researcher), Flanagan, E. (Researcher) & Loive, J. (Researcher)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
2023/02/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Commissioned research