Activities per year
- 4 results
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Design of kinetic models for assessment of critical aspects in bioprocess development - A case study of biohydrogen
van Niel, E. (Joint first/primary/lead supervisor) & Willquist, K. (Joint first/primary/lead supervisor)
2019 Sept 27Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of licentiate students
A Source-Based Test-Bed for Fast-Neutron Irradiation
Fissum, K. (Joint first/primary/lead supervisor)
2015Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of licentiate students
Testing the Limits of the Single-Particle Model in 16O(e,e'p)
Fissum, K. (Joint first/primary/lead supervisor)
2005Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of licentiate students
Catabolic and anabolic related product formation in lactic acid bacteria
van Niel, E. (First/primary/lead supervisor) & Rådström, P. (Second supervisor)
2003Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of licentiate students