Projects per year
- 200 - 250 out of 1,470 results
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A Transfer System from Ultra High Vacuum to an Electrochemical Enviroment
Lundgren, E. (PI)
Carl Tryggers Stiftelse för Vetenskaplig Forskning
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Integrering av kol i skogscertifieringssystem
Metcalfe, D. B. (PI), Hugelius, G. (Researcher) & Ahlström, A. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Methods to determine oxidative potential to aid the safeby- design process when developing novel nanomaterials within NanoLund
Pagels, J. (Researcher), Wierzbicka, A. (Researcher), Messing, M. (Researcher), Deppert, K. (Researcher) & Vogel, U. B. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Rekonstruktion av paleomiljön för området kring den Mesolitiska stenåldersboplatsen vid Sammakko, Norrbotten
Möller, P. (Researcher), Nielsen, A. (Researcher) & Björck, S. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Commissioned research
eSSENCE@LU 8:7 - Breast cancer diagnosis using pocket-sized ultrasound device and Deep Learning
Heyden, A. (PI), Lång, K. (PI), Karlsson, J. (Research student), Arvidsson, I. (Researcher), Overgaard, N. C. (Researcher) & Åström, K. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
CGLOPS-1 LSP: Copernicus Global Land Operations Service - Land Surface Phenology
Eklundh, L. (Researcher), Cai, Z. (Researcher) & Jin, H. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Commissioned research
eSSENCE@LU 8:6 - Energy efficient simulation of coupled multiphysics - Climate modelling and bird flight
Birken, P. (PI), Johansson, C. (Researcher), Miller, P. (Researcher), Persson, K. (Researcher) & Revstedt, J. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Metabolic signaling from the liver in type 2 diabetes
Kaldis, P. (PI) & Spégel, P. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
eSSENCE@LU 8:1 - Assembling a toolbox for atomistic simulations of clay: Validation of experiments and coarse-grained modelling
Skepö, M. (PI), Koder Hamid, M. (Research student) & Holmboe, M. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
VOCsBox: VOCsBox - assessing plant stress effects on atmospheric chemistry with a new fumigation chamber system
Holst, T. (Researcher) & Roldin, P. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
The impact of fire severity and post-fire management on the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest recovery
Soares, M. (PI), Kljun, N. (CoI) & Rousk, J. (CoI)
2022/01/01 → 2024/04/30
Project: Research
Genetic monitoring of connectivity, diversity and adaptive potential
Runemark, A. (PI), Friberg, M. (Researcher), Opedal, Ø. (Researcher), Rundlöf, M. (Researcher), Smith, H. (Researcher), Wahlberg, N. (Researcher) & van Riemsdijk, I. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Dendrokronologi Västergötlands kyrkor- digitalisering och forskning på de kyrkliga kulturarven
Hansson, A. (Researcher) & Gullbrandsson, R. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Sustainable production of insect pheromones in plant factories
Löfstedt, C. (Researcher), Ding, B. (Researcher), Wang, H.-L. (Researcher), Hofvander, P. (Researcher) & Jirle, E. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Rethinking MPAs - Protecting seagrass for biodiversity, food and climate
Nordlund, L. M. (PI), Alexandridis, N. (Researcher), Eklöf, J. (Researcher) & Dambacher, J. M. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Revealing the inaccessible features of atmospheric soot
Le, T. K. C. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Real-time monitoring of herbivory attack on conifers: implications for forest management and ecosystem modelling
Holst, T. (PI) & Anderbrant, O. (CoI)
2022/01/01 → 2023/06/30
Project: Research
RAMONA: Rangeland Monitoring for Africa, ESA
Ardö, J. (PI), Tagesson, T. (Researcher), Buitenwerf, R. (PI), Griffiths, P. (Researcher) & Munk, M. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Assembling a toolbox for atomistic simulations of clay
Skepö, M. (PI)
eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
ForPol: Transdisciplinary co-production in forest policy research
D'Amato, D. (PI), Droste, N. (CoPI), Ekström, H. (Research student), Iliev, B. E. (Research student), May, W. (Researcher) & Thomsen, M. (CoPI)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Improving African sub-seasonal vegetation feedback in Earth system models using multiple satellite observations and field measurements
Wu, M. (Researcher), Tagesson, T. (Researcher), Duan, Z. (Researcher) & Cai, Z. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Wildfires in the Anthropocene - Advanced Study Group, Pufendorf IAS
Dinc, P. (Project coordinator), Eklund, L. (Project coordinator), Islar, M. (Researcher), Kljun, N. (Researcher), McNamee, M. S. (Researcher), Sjöstedt, B. (Researcher), Soares, M. (Researcher), Stroh, E. (Researcher), Abdi, H. (Researcher), Johansson, J. (Researcher), Guldåker, N. (Researcher), Nieradzik, L. (Researcher) & Friberg, J. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/05/31
Project: Network
eSSENCE@LU 8:4 - Diving deeper than ever into dolphin echolocation
Starkhammar, J. (PI), Grassi, L. (Researcher) & Sandsten, M. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Measurement of droplet size in sprays used for gas-turbine applications
Berrocal, E. (PI)
2022/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
2021H007: Rancidity development in oat during industrial processing
Tullberg, C. (PI) & Adlercreutz, P. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/10/02
Project: Research
eSSENCE@LU 8:2 - Coherent 3D X-ray imaging of nanoparticles with unknown orientation
Wallentin, J. (PI), Chen, H. (Research student), Björling, A. (Researcher), Maia, F. R. N. C. (Researcher) & Solla-Gullón, J. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Reducering av brunifiering i sjövatten
Martin, T. (Researcher), Kritzberg, E. (Researcher) & Liess, A. (Researcher)
FORMAS, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
2022/01/01 → 2024/05/31
Project: Research
MDO and REgulations for Low-boom and Environmentally Sustainable Supersonic aviation
Richter, M. (Researcher), Fureby, C. (Researcher) & Sanned, D. (Research student)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Probing of the role of neuronal activity in amyloid aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease using novel biophysical tools
Klementieva, O. (PI), Ottosson, D. (Researcher) & Olofsson, A. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Using high-resolution drone data to analyse forest recovery after the 2018 Swedish wildfires
Kelly, J. (PI), Kljun, N. (CoI) & Eklundh, L. (CoI)
2022/01/01 → 2024/04/30
Project: Research
Ekosystemeffekter av dammutrivningar i inlandsvatten
Nilsson, A. (PI)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
MERGE SP: Development of a novel and computationally efficient single-column Earth System Model (SCESM) for land-atmosphere studies
Nieradzik, L. (PI), Wårlind, D. (CoI) & Miller, P. (CoI)
2022/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
eSSENCE@LU 8:5 - New algorithm for neutron and X-ray scattering in concentrated samples
Lund, M. (PI), Abraham, M. (Researcher) & Pedersen, J. S. (Researcher)
eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
23°N - Tropic of Cancer, accessible breast diagnostics for global health
Lång, K. (Researcher), Sahlin, F. (Project coordinator), Arvidsson, I. (Researcher) & Karlsson, J. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Development of secondary sources of very cold and ultra cold neutrons for the European Spallation Source as part of the HighNESS project
Rataj, B. (Researcher) & Santoro, V. (Project coordinator)
2021/12/15 → 2023/12/14
Project: Dissertation
Designing the cold neutron source for the ESS
Rataj, B. (Researcher), Silvermyr, D. (Researcher) & Santoro, V. (Researcher)
2021/12/15 → 2023/12/14
Project: Dissertation
Phylogenomics of Drosophilidae using museum samples
Ghanavi, H. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/12/01 → 2023/11/30
Project: Research
The Rough Guide to Zero-Carbon Skåne: Making visions of post-fossil transitions meaningful through narrative prototyping
Fauré, E. (Researcher), Raven, P. (Researcher) & Stripple, J. (PI)
FORMAS, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
2021/12/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
DigIT Hub AI
Åström, K. (Project coordinator), Wisbrant, J. (Project coordinator), Norrman, S. (Project coordinator) & Wisbrant, J. (Project communication officer)
2021/12/01 → 2023/10/31
Project: Other
The impact of warming-induced summer vegetation drought on the vegetation greening, tree growth and carbon fluxes in Sweden
Chen, H. (Researcher), Zhang, P. (Researcher) & Chen, D. (Researcher)
2021/12/01 → 2023/01/01
Project: Research
SAGA – Preparing for a GISANS instrument at ESS – A Swedish Initiative
Nylander, T. (PI)
2021/12/01 → 2024/11/30
Project: Research
How does genetic variation and selection vary in natural population
Tarka, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/12/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
Novel anti-fouling membranes for lignocellulosic biorefineries
Lipnizki, F. (Researcher), Battestini Vives, M. (Researcher), Sjölin, M. (Researcher) & Santos, O. (Researcher)
The Swedish foundation for International cooperation in research and higher education (STINT).
2021/12/01 → 2024/11/30
Project: Research
Immunogenetic variation at MHC class II in co-infected amphibian by multiple pathogens: the fungal Chytrid (Bd) and Ranavirus (Rv)
Cortázar, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/12/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
lmmune function as a physiological mechanism of migratory performance
Hegemann, A. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/11/29 → 2023/09/30
Project: Research
Hyper-Forest: Below canopy hyperspectral drones for forestry
Kljun, N. (PI), Farrand, L. (PI), Felsberg, M. (Researcher) & Haglund, L. (Researcher)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2021/11/26 → 2023/10/31
Project: Research
Integrerade sensorer och adaptiv teknologi för hållbara tillverkningsprocesser och produkter
Mikkelsen, A. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2021/11/17 → 2023/02/01
Project: Research
Structural Studies of lnsect Olfaction
Sims, C. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/11/11 → 2023/09/30
Project: Research
Cry4 in the avian retina: a comparative study of the light-dependent magnetoreceptor
Pinzon-Rodriguez, A. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2021/11/11 → 2023/09/30
Project: Research