Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 1,112 results
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In-situ electrochemical studies on Co-free battery materials using transmission electron microscopy
Madsen, D. (PI)
2025/02/10 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Storytelling - from cell to society
Öhman, J. (PI), Bernhardsson, K. (Researcher), Hultman, A. (Researcher), Garwicz, M. (Researcher), Fridlund, P. (Researcher), Olito, C. (Researcher) & Mårtensson, J. (Researcher)
2025/02/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Network
Agriculture in the future – society, safety and health - ASG, Pufendorf IAS
Krais, A. (PI), Kristensson, A. (Project coordinator), Wierzbicka, A. (Researcher), Walters, R. (Researcher) & Fauvelle, M. (Researcher)
2025/02/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Network
Research Infrastructures – Sustainability dimensions and critical perspectives
Werin, S. (PI), Isaxon, C. (Researcher), Stadmark, J. (Researcher), Jönsson, K. (Researcher), Thunnissen, M. (Researcher), Peck, P. (Researcher) & Pöttgen, R. (Researcher)
2025/02/01 → 2026/01/31
Project: Network
File -
The evolution of gene regulatory networks during the origins of multicellular life
Kreider, J. (PI)
European Molecular Biology Organisation
2025/02/01 → 2027/01/31
Project: Research
CoEvoLens: Disentangling the microevolutionary mechanisms of coevolution
Friberg, M. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/02/01 → 2027/01/31
Project: Research
Exploring the limits of ion exchange membranes functionalized with cyclic quaternary ammonium cations
Jannasch, P. (PI)
Carl Tryggers Stiftelse för Vetenskaplig Forskning
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Highly sensitive attosecond microscopic videography of plasma dynamics
Kristensson, E. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Är Atiyah-Weinsteins kontaktindex alltid noll?
Goffeng, M. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
EPACE: European compact accelerators, their applications, and entrepreneurship
Lundh, O. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Longitudinal Sequencing of Single Cells Using Nanotubes
Prinz, C. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Exploring the connections between electronic instabilities and lattice strain in cuprate superconductors
Blackburn, E. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Enhancing Catalytic Efficiency and Colloidal Stability of Nanozymes through Protein Interactions
Dicko, C. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Disentangling adaptive and non-adaptive drivers of complex trait diversification
Friberg, M. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Drivers of selection on flower traits in a spatio-temporal context
Lozada Gobilard, S. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of niche breadth, adaptation, and speciation
Steward, R. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
The role of novel patterns of gene expression in hybrid adaptation
Runemark, A. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2030/12/31
Project: Research
Forest management effects on forest resilience and carbon sink strength
Vestin, P. (PI) & Biermann, T. (Researcher)
Carl Tryggers Stiftelse för Vetenskaplig Forskning
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Skogens roll i kolets globala kretslopp
Ahlström, A. (PI)
Jan Hain stiftelse för vetenskaplig teknisk forskning inom miljö och klimat
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
MRI Imaging Biomarkers for Radiotherapy: prediction, response and adaption
Olsson, L. E. (Researcher), Gunnlaugsson, A. (Researcher), Adrian, G. (Researcher), Gebre-Medhin, M. (Researcher), Rashid, I. A. (Researcher), Brynolfsson, P. (Researcher) & Jamtheim Gustafsson, C. (Researcher)
Mrs. Berta Kamprad's Cancer Foundation
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Super adiabatic combustion of sustainable aviation fuels: experiments and modeling
Konnov, A. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Young’s Slit Experiment For Attosecond Chemistry
Gisselbrecht, M. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Uncovering spatial and temporal variation in avian heat tolerance
Nord, A. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund, Swedish Research Council
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Instability Phenomena in Asymptotic Models in Fluid Dynamics
Brüll, G. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Network
Laser diagnostics for comparative seasonal diversity of insects
Brydegaard, M. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2030/12/31
Project: Research
Dynamic Oncoelectronics: Electrifying the Abscopal Effect
Olsson, R. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
The enigmatic role of the CD4 co-receptor in T-cell activation
Jönsson, P. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
VIGILANT: Targeting ER Import and Activation of Viral Glycoproteins: Towards Broad-Spectrum Antivirals
Knecht, W. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Group behaviour, information transfer and fitness consequences in mixed-species animal groups
Nilsson, A. (PI), Hulthén, K. (Researcher) & Brönmark, C. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
The First Particle Physics Experiment at the ESS: Search for Axion-like Particles at the HIBEAM Beamline
Santoro, V. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Maximizing information content in neutron reflectivity data by optimised magnetic reference layers
Nylander, T. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Operans fysik – Om toner i ljus och färger i ljud
Jalhed, H. (Researcher), Mauritsson, J. (Researcher) & Markenroth Bloch, K. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Fundamental studies and applications of laser-based accelerators
Lundh, O. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Utveckling av flexibla energikurser riktat till yrkesverksamma i offentlig sektor i Skåne
Palm, J. (PI), Torshög, A. (Researcher) & Wiklund, G. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2025/11/01
Project: Research
Studies on Aviation Biofuel Emissions: Environmental and High-Altitude Climate Impacts
Subash, A. A. (Researcher), Sporre, M. (Researcher), Pagels, J. (Researcher) & Nilsson, E. J. K. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Going beyond macroevolutionary associations: testing gene-trait associations using genome modifications
Wahlberg, N. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
AI-Twin: Retrieving digital twins using Physics-Informed AI for in-situ and operando imaging reconstructions
Klöfkorn, R. (PI) & Villanueva Perez, P. (CoI)
Swedish Research Council, eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
LUPPP: Lund University Pre Pilot Plant
Wallberg, O. (PI), Lipnizki, F. (Researcher), Nordberg Karlsson, E. (Researcher), Hedström, M. (Researcher), Purhagen, J. (Researcher), Östbring, K. (Researcher), Hatti-Kaul, R. (Researcher), Ahlqvist, J. (Researcher) & Carlquist, M. (Researcher)
Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
2025/01/01 → 2028/01/01
Project: Research
Galaxy formation and evolution: solving the thick disk conundrum
Feltzing, S. (PI) & Plotnikova, A. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
BioClima: Improving Monitoring for Better Integrated Climate and Biodiversity Approaches, Using Environmental and Earth Observations
Duan, Z. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2025/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
Spatial is special: from AI to GeoAI for urban sustainability
Zhao, P. (PI)
2025/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
How noisy information informs accurate responses in natural and artificial systems
Dacke, M. (PI)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
2025/01/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
Translational image-guided radiotherapy at the XenX facility
Ceberg, C. (PI)
Mrs. Berta Kamprad's Cancer Foundation
2025/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
EDEMEX: Lungfunktion vid fysisk aktivitet
Andersson, J. (Researcher), Lodin-Sundström, A. (Researcher), Sjögreen, B. (Researcher) & Linér, M. (Researcher)
2025/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research