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10 fs transient absorption lab @ Chemical Physics
Arkady Yartsev (Manager)
Chemical PhysicsInfrastructure
3D Laboratory
Axel Nordin (Manager) & Jessika Sellergren (Manager)
Department of Design SciencesInfrastructure
3H and 14C isotopic labeling laboratory
Marcin Jackowicz-Korczynski (Manager)
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceInfrastructure
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) at CERN LHC
David Silvermyr (Contact)
Particle and nuclear physicsInfrastructure
Alpha and gamma spectrometry laboratory
Christopher Rääf (Manager)
Medical Radiation Physics, MalmöInfrastructure
Analytical Lab
Marcin Jackowicz-Korczynski (Manager)
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceInfrastructure
Archaeological and historical collections at the Historical museum at Lund university
Anders Ohlsson (Manager)
The Historical MuseumInfrastructure
Balder beamline - Hard X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Konstantin Klementiev (Manager)
MAX IV LaboratoryInfrastructure
Biobank Sverige
Sonja Eaker Fält (Manager), Malin Ivarsson (Manager), Cecilia Andersson (Contact) & Gunnar Engström (Contact)
Respiratory Cell BiologyInfrastructure
Bloch beamline - Spin and angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Johan Adell (Manager), Balasubramanian Thiagarajan (Manager), Mats Leandersson (Manager) & Craig Polley (Manager)
MAX IV LaboratoryInfrastructure