- 450 - 500 out of 1,127 results
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Glia-Immune Interactions
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Organisational unit: Research group
Glial and Neuronal Biology
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Organisational unit: Research group
Global Christianity and Interreligious Relations
Organisational unit: Division
Glucose Transport and Protein Trafficking
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Organisational unit: Research group
Greek (Ancient and Byzantine)
Division of Greek Studies, Latin, Modern Greek, and Spanish Studies
Organisational unit: Division
Greek (Modern Greek)
Division of Greek Studies, Latin, Modern Greek, and Spanish Studies
Organisational unit: Division
Growth, technological change, and inequality
Department of Economic History
Organisational unit: Division
Gynecological Cancer and Cancer prevention as well as prevention of Osteoporosis
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Lund)
Organisational unit: Research group
Health care related infections in seriously and critically ill patients
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Organisational unit: Research group
Hematopoiesis and Gene Therapy
Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy
Organisational unit: Research group
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development
Division of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy
Organisational unit: Research group
Heparin bindning protein in cardiothoracic surgery
Organisational unit: Research group
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) – epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology
Respiratory Medicine, Allergology, and Palliative Medicine
Organisational unit: Research group
History of Religions
History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science
Organisational unit: Division
History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science
Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
Organisational unit: Division
HIV-1 and HIV-2 host interactions
Division of Medical Microbiology
Organisational unit: Research group
Host-Pathogen Interactions
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Organisational unit: Research group
Human Movement: health and rehabilitation
Organisational unit: Research group
Human Neural Developmental Biology
Department of Experimental Medical Science
Organisational unit: Research group