Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 11,734 results
Search results
Crises Highlight' Building resilience to floods and heat in the maternal and child health system in Brazil and Zambia
Saulnier, D. (Researcher)
Economic & Social Research Council
2024/08/23 → 2027/09/30
Project: Research
IKBT-Å-K: Utveckling och preliminär utvärdering av en ny internetförmedlad kognitiv beteendeterapi förbarn och ungdomar med ångestsyndrom
Andrén, P. (PI), Serlachius, E. (CoI), Cervin, M. (CoI), Andrekson, S. (Research student), Olsson, E. (Research student), Dellgran, K. (Research student) & Waldo, Å. (Researcher)
Crafoord Foundation, Sven Jerring Foundation
2024/08/21 → …
Project: Research
Circular economy in the textile industry: On the effectiveness of different policy options towards greater sustainability
Sonntag, D. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Liquid cell transmission electron microscopy holder - strengthening in situ chemistry at Lund University
Madsen, D. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Understanding the underlying mechanisms that regulate immune cells to become tumourigenic
Rolny, C. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2026/12/15
Project: Research
Kombinerade studier av metastatisk spridningsväg och immuncellsinfiltration för utveckling av precisionsmedicin
Pietras, K. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2026/12/15
Project: Research
Assessing exposure and health in children near the WEEE recycling industry through self-administered blood microsampling
Stajnko, A. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Forskning om vågutbredningskanaler för terahertzkommunikation, positionering och avkänning mot 6G
Cai, X. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2026/08/14
Project: Research
Säkrare hjärtoperation av komplicerade hjärtfel hos småbarn
Liuba, P. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Pursuing a reliable and non-invasive examination of the glymphatic system with MRI
Georgiopoulos, C. (PI)
Crafoord Foundation, Swedish Society of Medicine, Åke Wibergs stiftelse
2024/08/15 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Accelererad utveckling av terapeutiska antikroppar mot komplementreceptorn C3AR samt prekliniska studier vid NPM1-muterad AML
Ågerstam, H. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Multiparametrisk MRI av kortikal mikrostruktur: en ny metod för att studera effekten av behandlingar mot Alzheimers sjukdom
Spotorno, N. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2025/12/20
Project: Research
Emission Analyzing Systems for Characterization of Aviation Biofuels
Subash, A. A. (Researcher)
2024/08/15 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
The role of tree species in providing climate and biodiversity benefits in Swedish forests
Abdi, H. (PI)
2024/08/15 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
AI-TOMO: Accelererad materialkarakterisering med AI och röntgentomografi
Hall, S. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2024/08/12 → 2027/08/11
Project: Research
Assessment and prevention for children of parents with mental illness: An open feasibility study
Cervin, M. (Researcher)
2024/08/12 → 2025/02/28
Project: Research
File -
Riva det byggda för nyproduktion eller bevara för ombyggnad ? Life Cykle Assessment- Restoration & Transformation (LCA-R&T)
Pålsson Skarin, I. (Researcher)
2024/08/12 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Studies of the molecular spring Titin for improved understanding, treatment and diagnosis of the failing heart
Martinez, J. (Researcher), Gidlöf, O. (Supervisor), Smith, G. (Assistant supervisor) & Czuba, T. (Researcher)
2024/08/07 → 2028/08/07
Project: Dissertation
Stabilisering av enskilda palladiumatomer för katalytisk framställning av grön väteperoxid
Ek Rosén, M. (PI)
2024/08/01 → 2025/07/31
Project: Research
Social Life of Truth: Conflicts over Conspiracy Theories in Germany
Uhl, A. (PI), Drazkiewicz, E. (Supervisor) & Herd, K. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/08/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Rethinking global challenges through feminist media and communication approaches
Porzionato, M. (PI), Thelandersson, F. (CoI) & Cassinger, C. (CoI)
2024/08/01 → 2025/01/31
Project: Network
Burden of Proof? On creating and using art in the healthcare sector
Bengtsen, P. (PI)
2024/08/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Social interaction with autonomous artefacts WASP-HS
Askin, G. (Researcher) & Fantasia, V. (PI)
2024/08/01 → 2028/08/01
Project: Research
Hållbar och kontinuerlig tillverkning av biotekniska läkemedelsprodukter
Wahlgren, M. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2024/08/01 → 2025/07/31
Project: Research
FADO: Fatigue Aware Design Optimization
Wallin, M. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2024/08/01 → 2028/06/14
Project: Research
Energy landscapes across space, labor, and gendered dynamics: Sustainability and social reproduction of the lithium and copper supply chains from Antofagasta to Skellefteå
Altamirano, I. (Research student)
2024/08/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
Development and validation of a conceptual span task in Swedish
Klingvall, E. (Researcher) & Heinat, F. (Researcher)
2024/08/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Engström, L. (Researcher), Carlsson, H. (Researcher) & Olsson Dahlquist, L. (Researcher)
2024/08/01 → …
Project: Research
Småbørnsliv i det digitaliserede samfund
Gulløv , E. (PI), Prins, K. M. (CoI), Lieberoth, A. (CoI), Dannesboe, K. I. (CoI), Sandberg, H. (Researcher), Staksrud, E. (Researcher), Arsand, P. (Researcher), Smette, I. (Researcher) & Kofoed, J. (Researcher)
2024/08/01 → 2028/07/31
Project: Research
Quantum Control & Thermodynamics for emerging Quantum technologies
Holst, D. (Researcher), Samuelsson, P. (Supervisor) & Wacker, A. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/08/01 → 2029/08/01
Project: Dissertation
Ramanspektroskopi för elektrokemisk energilagring och piezokeramik (REEP)
Rambaran, M. (PI)
2024/08/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Omfattande fotofysikalisk studier av nanokristaller av blyfri halogenidperovskit: mot miljövänliga och högpresterande ljusemitterande dioder
Liu, M. (PI), Rahman, S. (Researcher) & Yukta, Y. (Researcher)
2024/08/01 → 2026/07/31
Project: Research
QBSF: Quantitative Biodiversity science for Finance
Munoz, C. J. (Researcher), Sahlin, U. (Researcher), Smith, H. (Researcher) & Silvestro, D. (Researcher)
2024/07/10 → 2029/07/10
Project: Dissertation
Interplay between radiation-induced reactive astrocytes and macrophages: implications for glioblastoma recurrence
Smolag-Klosowska, K. (PI)
Cancerfonden, Maggie Stephens stiftelse
2024/07/01 → 2027/12/30
Project: Research
NSF Collaborative: Conformational Dynamics and Functional Evolution in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
Kamerlin, L. (Researcher)
2024/07/01 → 2027/06/30
Project: Research
Biomass towards sustainability: Valorization of oat husks into biobased building blocks for recyclable plastic
Sayed Ali Sayed, M. (Researcher) & Sjölin, M. (Researcher)
Stiftelsen J. Gust. Richerts Minne
2024/07/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
BainSPACE: En ny dimension av den mänskliga hjärnan hos patienter med demens
Björklund, T. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Cell-specific sphingosine-1-phoshate signaling alterations mediate neurovascular unit impairment in response to ischemia
Meissner, A. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Personalized stem cells: New concepts for future therapies
Parmar, M. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
GeoSPAS: Integrated GEOlogical and SocioPolitical Assessment of Storage solutions for carbon dioxide removal
Lévy, L. (PI), Carton, W. (CoI) & Busch, H. (CoI)
Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse
2024/07/01 → 2027/06/30
Project: Research
Optimizing the utility of Tau PET across the Alzheimer's disease continuum
Ossenkoppele, R. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Early Diagnosis and Personalized Therapy Evaluation for Life-Threatening Complications Caused by Systemic Sclerosis
Andréasson, K. (PI)
Petrus och Augusta Hedlunds Stiftelse
2024/07/01 → 2026/01/31
Project: Research
High-performance anion exchange membranes for hydrogen production by water electrolysis
Jannasch, P. (PI)
Stiftelsen J. Gust. Richerts Minne
2024/07/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Stabilitetsegenskaper hos störningsproblem för icke-linjära Klein-Gordon-ekvationer
Maad Sasane, S. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Development of methodology for imaging synaptic density using MRI
Nilsson, M. (PI)
2024/07/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research