Projects per year
- 450 - 500 out of 11,734 results
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Joint Exchange of Data and Information on Critical Infrastructure
Johansson, J. (Researcher)
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
2024/06/01 → 2026/05/31
Project: Research
Living well with less: Enacting sufficiency-oriented consumption practices in a high-consumption society
Eriksson, E. (Researcher)
2024/06/01 → 2028/09/30
Project: Dissertation
Plant polar lipids as functional food ingredients for improving metabolic risk variables and facilitated control of energy intake
Nilsson, A. (PI)
2024/06/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Exploration of the Audiovisual Essay
Wolgast, S. (Researcher), Dahlqvist, J. (Researcher), Ledendal, M. (Researcher) & Fredriksson, C. (Researcher)
2024/06/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
File -
Ny progressiv neuromuskulär träningsmetod för personer med handledsskador (PROWRIST)
Ekstrand, E. (PI), Hartler, M. (Research student), Larsson, S. (Researcher), Brogårdh, C. (Researcher), Röijezon, U. (Researcher), Clementson, M. (Researcher) & Dahlin, L. (Researcher)
2024/06/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Understanding metal speciation using XAS on secondary products from waste
Rissler, J. (PI)
2024/05/30 → 2028/05/29
Project: Research
KinePose: Video-based initialisation of computational human body models (KinePose)
Gildea, K. (PI)
2024/05/30 → 2025/05/30
Project: Research
Maskininlärningsbaserad klassificering av underdiagnoser hos barn med cerebral pares med hjälp av data från svenska hälso- och sjukvårdsregister
Hägglund, G. (PI)
2024/05/30 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Unravelling the molecular basis of sporadic Parkinson's disease in human brain organoids
Fiorenzano, A. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2025/05/27
Project: Research
Spatial mapping of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment of tonsillar cancer
Altunbulakli, C. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2026/05/27
Project: Research
Travel and registration support for Swedish discussion leaders and invited speakers at the GRC CRAS
Lundgren, E. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Targeting hypoxia-induced responses and vascular remodelling in COPD
Larsson Callerfelt, A.-K. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2025/10/01
Project: Research
Decomposing the decomposers: elucidating the drivers of fungal necromass carbon cycling in soils
Maillard, F. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2026/05/27
Project: Research
Hanöbuktens miljö i fokus: betydelse och konsekvenser av TT-Line Marco Polos grundstötning
Filipsson, H. (PI), Persson, A. (Researcher) & Ljung, K. (Researcher)
2024/05/27 → 2026/12/06
Project: Research
Kan vi kontrollera och styra proteinadsorption till lipidbaserade nanopartiklar
Nilsson, L. (PI)
2024/05/27 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
dīcit: Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and Infrastructures of Information
Drazkiewicz, E. (Researcher), Engström, L. (Researcher), Sundin, O. (Researcher), Irwin, R. (Researcher), Jönsson, L.-E. (Researcher), Söderström, K. R. (Researcher), Petersen, M. (Research student), Chan, S. (Research student), Persson, A. (Research student), Petersson McIntyre, M. (Researcher), Hamnell, B. (Researcher), Stoenescu, A. (Researcher), Lundin, S. (Researcher), Hennessey, J. (Researcher), Liu, R. (Researcher), Petersén, M. (Researcher), Högberg, C. (Research student), Herd, K. (Researcher), Uhl, A. (Research student), Hogan, B. (Research student), Petersson McIntyre, M. (Researcher), Gorbach, D. (Researcher) & Hammarlin, M.-M. (Researcher)
2024/05/20 → …
Project: Network
Localization of radioactive sources out of control using moving gamma spectrometry and recursive frequentist and Bayesian inference
Rääf, C. (Supervisor)
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
2024/05/15 → 2029/06/15
Project: Dissertation
New Diagnostics and Treatment for POTS – An Inflammatory Disease with Significant Impact on Quality of Life in Young Individuals
Hamrefors, V. (PI)
Petrus och Augusta Hedlunds Stiftelse
2024/05/15 → 2026/10/01
Project: Research
Monitoring of pesticides in pollen collected by bees
Rundlöf, M. (PI)
The Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health (NKE)
2024/05/14 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Participation at the International Congress of Entomology in Kyoto, Japan
Halali, S. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2025/05/07
Project: Research
Shock deformation in ilmenite: new method for identifying impact structures?
Hyde, W. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Role of individual variation in natural systems
Lee, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2026/05/08
Project: Research
Modulating the mobility of the Stratum Corneum via the Extraction or Absorption of Small Water-Soluble Compounds
Qie, R. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/08 → 2026/04/15
Project: Research
Impacts of sound on fungal growth and foraging behaviour
Aleklett Kadish, K. (PI) & Ohlsson, P. (Researcher)
Stiftelsen Ove Almborns donationsfond
2024/05/07 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Computational studies of nitrogenase
Jiang, H. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/05/07 → 2025/04/30
Project: Research
Barns rättigheter och barns perspektiv i kommunalt beslutsfattande
Sonander, A. (Researcher)
2024/05/06 → …
Project: Research
From continuous to discrete analysis of waveform iterations
Birken, P. (PI)
Royal Swedish Academy of Science
2024/05/03 → 2026/04/30
Project: Research
Maximal subgroups of branch groups
Thillaisundaram, A. (PI)
Royal Swedish Academy of Science
2024/05/03 → 2026/04/30
Project: Research
Ett pangenome för italiensk sparv, en ung hybridart
Tunström, K. (PI)
Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
2024/05/02 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Stabila liposomer för formulering av bioaktiva substanser
Adlercreutz, P. (PI)
Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen
2024/05/02 → 2025/08/31
Project: Research
Kemiskt landskap medierar kolonisering artbildning på en ny värdnisch
Steward, R. (PI)
Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
2024/05/02 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
En öronpipett för att motverka kronisk öroninflammation i U-länder
Riesbeck, K. (PI)
Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen
2024/05/02 → 2026/05/02
Project: Research
Pre-study: Integrated Entrepreneurial Competence in Academia
Alm, A.-K. (PI) & Nilsson, N. (CoPI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2024/05/01 → 2025/05/01
Project: Research
Imaging and recurrence in breast- and cervical cancer
Nyberg, H. (Researcher), Trägårdh, E. (Researcher), Lång, K. (Researcher) & Sartor, H. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2032/05/01
Project: Dissertation
CrISS: Critical Intersex Studies Sweden
Lundberg, T. (Researcher), Garland, J. (Researcher) & Alm, E. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → …
Project: Network
Campus Helsingborg 25 års jubileum
Adenskog, M. (PI), Luttrup, J. (Project coordinator), Achen, T. (Project coordinator), Ekroth, H. (Project coordinator), Hultqvist, S. (Project coordinator), Permevik, A. (Project coordinator) & Persson, A. (Project coordinator)
2024/05/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Other
Regulation of hormone-sensitive lipase in neurons
Francisco, A. (Researcher) & Duarte, J. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe, Thorsten och Elsa Segerfalks Stiftelse för främjande av medicinsk vetenskaplig forskning och utbildning
2024/05/01 → 2026/04/30
Project: Research
CLASSIC: The CLASSIC study - Childhood Arthritis in Southwestern Sweden
Berthold, E. (Researcher), Damgaard, M. (Researcher), Jönsson, M. (Researcher), Mossberg, A. (Researcher), Lingman Framme, J. (Researcher), Schmidt, T. (Researcher), Lindgren, S. (Researcher) & Kahn, R. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2030/05/01
Project: Research
Effects of early cell differentiation and spatial dynamics in tumor tissue during neuroblastoma development
Siaw, J. T. (PI)
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund
2024/05/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Research
Equity and sociodemographic differences in the utilization of a digitalized primary healthcare
Eriksson, J. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2028/12/01
Project: Dissertation
XUVPM: Extreme ultraviolet ptychographic microscopy
Fang, Y. (PI), Arnold, C. (Supervisor) & Villanueva Perez, P. (Supervisor)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/05/01 → 2026/04/30
Project: Research
Breast cancer and liver metastases, an imaging perspective on prediction and operability
Baubeta Fridh, E. (Researcher), Andersson, B. (Researcher) & Sartor, H. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2028/05/01
Project: Research
Infection and dysregulated immunity - when and how to intervene
Kahn, F. (PI)
2024/05/01 → 2025/04/30
Project: Research
TWIST: What happens when the welfare technology does not work?
Carlsson, G. (Researcher), Malmgren Fänge, A. (Researcher) & Lethin, C. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
CCR: Creativity, Community& Resilience: Particpatory action with trans &gender diverse youth, using creative methods
Jenzen, O. (PI), Barras, A. (CoI), Pearce, R. (CoI), Reed, L. (CoI), Sandberg, H. (Researcher), Thomson, R. (Researcher), Johnson, K. (Researcher), Riggs, D. (Researcher), Turban, J. (Researcher), Lehner, A. (Researcher) & Lester, C. (Researcher)
2024/05/01 → 2026/05/31
Project: Research