Projects per year
Search results
Host specificity in the Eurasian spruce bark beetle and the potential for host range expansion in a warming climate
Burchards, J. G., Andersson, M. N., Kandasamy, D., Warrant, E. & Hansson, B. S.
2024/03/01 → 2028/02/29
Project: Dissertation
PollinERA: Understanding pesticide-Pollinator interactions to support EU Environmental Risk Assessment and policy
Rundlöf, M., Herbertsson, L., Pettersson, L. B. & Topping, C. J.
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Den neurobiologiska grunden för målinriktat beteende hos insekter
2024/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
The Evolution of Insect Navigation at Synaptic Resolution
Badalamente, G., Heinze, S. & Uller, T.
2023/09/01 → …
Project: Research
Neurofunctional effects of sublethal pesticides exposure on pollinator insects and their ecosystem functions
Davila, N., Herbertsson, L., O'carroll, D. & Rundlöf, M.
2023/02/27 → …
Project: Dissertation
Neurofunctional effects of sublethal pesticide exposure in insects
Rönnau, S., Rigosi, E., O'carroll, D., Herbertsson, L. & Stensmyr, M.
2023/02/15 → …
Project: Dissertation
Integration of polarized light and optic flow by path integration circuits in the bumblebee brain
Kluge, J., Heinze, S., Warrant, E. & Webb, B.
2022/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
EvolvingCircuits: The evolution of neural circuits for navigational decisions - from synapses to behavior
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2022/09/01 → 2027/08/31
Project: Research
InsectNeuroNano: Insect-Brain inspired Neuromorphic Nanophotonics
Mikkelsen, A., Rentschler, G., Borgström, M., Alcer, D., Heinze, S., Kluge, J., Winge, D., Zaiats, N., Goulard, R. & Das, A.
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2022/04/01 → 2026/03/31
Project: Research
iENT: Neuroenvironmental toxicity: a new synergistic approach to quantify acute and chronic sublethal effects of commonly-used pesticides on insects
Rigosi, E., Turner, C., Rundlöf, M., Herbertsson, L., O'carroll, D., Stensmyr, M., Spégel, P., Palmer, S., Miegel, E., Rönnau, S., Davila, N. & Fathi, M.
2022/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Finding the way in the dark: The sensory basis for navigation in nocturnal animals
2022/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Evolution of insect navigation circuits
Gillet, V., Heinze, S. & Dacke, M.
2021/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Comparative connectomics of the insect central complex
Heinze, S., Sayre, M. & Gillet, V.
2018/01/01 → …
Project: Research