Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 64 results
Search results
Research Infrastructures – Sustainability dimensions and critical perspectives
Werin, S. (PI), Isaxon, C. (Researcher), Stadmark, J. (Researcher), Jönsson, K. (Researcher), Thunnissen, M. (Researcher), Peck, P. (Researcher) & Pöttgen, R. (Researcher)
2025/02/01 → 2026/01/31
Project: Network
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Ultrafast switching of the structural phase of phase-change memory materials
Larsson, J. (PI)
2024/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
NEPHEWS: NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science
Nässlind, M. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/01/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Photo-assisted atomic layer deposition in real time
Schnadt, J. (PI)
2024/01/01 → 2028/12/31
Project: Research
En korrelationsspektroskopisk bild av spinn- och laddningsfluktuationer i magnetiska material ner till nanosekunder
Sjöblom, P. (Researcher), Durr, H. (Researcher), Schwenke, J. (Researcher), Kapaklis, V. (Researcher), Beye, M. (Researcher) & Gutt, C. (Researcher)
2024/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
En Samarbetsapproach för Elementanalys vid Kroniska Lungsjukdomar
Falcones, B. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2023/11/10 → 2025/10/31
Project: Research
HALRIC: Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium
Paulsson, K. M. (Researcher)
2023/04/01 → 2026/03/31
Project: Network
Time-resolved catalysis and ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy
Knudsen, J. (PI)
2023/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Project: Research
Aerosol@MAXIV – In-flight XPS of engineered aerosol nanoparticles
Rissler, J. (PI), Preger, C. (Researcher), Eriksson, A. (Researcher), Walsh, N. (Researcher), Kivimäki, A. (Researcher) & Messing, M. (Researcher)
2023/01/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Machine learning tools applied to linacs and FELs
Curbis, F. (Researcher), Lundquist, J. (Research student) & Werin, S. (Researcher)
2022/05/02 → 2026/04/30
Project: Dissertation
Advancing renal imaging biomarkers
Schmidt-Christensen, A. (Researcher), Mokso, R. (Researcher), Gomez, M. F. (Researcher) & Sopasakis, A. (Researcher)
Dir Albert Påhlssons stiftelse för forskning och välgörenhet, The Bo & Kerstin Hjelt Diabetes Foundation
2020/07/01 → …
Project: Research
Multimodal X-ray analysis in real-time: combined X-ray diffraction / Scattering and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Just, J. (PI) & Carlsson, P.-A. (Researcher)
2020/01/01 → …
Project: Research
Inferring Crystal Strain Distributions from X-ray Diffraction Data: Analytical and Computational Advances
Henningsson, N. A. (Researcher), Hall, S. (Supervisor) & Mokso, R. (Assistant supervisor)
2019/03/19 → …
Project: Dissertation
in-FORM: In-situ multi-parameter Analysis Platform for Formation of Energy Materials
Just, J. (PI), Unger, E. (Researcher), Edström, K. (Researcher) & Ciambezi, M. (Researcher)
2019/01/01 → …
Project: Research
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Optogenetic control of neurotransmitter release from human stem cell progeny for Epilepsy
Gonzalez Ramos, A. (Research student), Kokaia, M. (PI), Andersson, M. (Supervisor) & Ledri, M. (Supervisor)
2017/09/15 → …
Project: Dissertation
ARC: Advanced Resource Connector software
Smirnova, O. (Researcher), Konya, B. (Researcher), Paganelli, F. (Researcher), Salnikov, A. (Researcher) & Lindemann, J. (Researcher)
Swedish Research Council, University of Oslo, NordForsk, Nordiska ministerrådet, European Commission - FP7
2001/05/01 → …
Project: Research
Not started
Electron beam sizes and lifetimes at MAX II and MAX III
Andersson, Å. (Supervisor) & Rosborg, A. (Researcher)
Project: Dissertation
Emittance related topics for fourth generation storage ring light sources
Andersson, Å. (Supervisor) & Breunlin, J. (Researcher)
Project: Dissertation
Higher harmonic cavities at 3rd generation synchrotron light sources
Andersson, Å. (Assistant supervisor) & Georgsson, M. (Researcher)
Project: Dissertation
Ultrafast dynamics of small quantum systems studied using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy
Ganguly, S. (Research student), Gisselbrecht, M. (Supervisor), Eng-Johnsson, P. (Assistant supervisor) & Walsh, N. (Assistant supervisor)
Project: Dissertation
Electron beam profile measurements and emittance manipulation at the MAX-laboratory
Andersson, Å. (Researcher)
Project: Dissertation
Harnessing Cutting-Edge Light sources in Lund for Insights and Applications of Synthesized Carbonaceous Nanoparticles
Le, T. K. C. (Researcher) & Preger, C. (Researcher)
2023/12/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Träningsimiterad sträckning av lungstamceller för att främja vävnadsregenerering vid Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom
Falcones, B. (PI)
Åke och Inger Bergkvists stiftelse
2023/06/13 → 2024/08/13
Project: Research
Utvecklingen av fotoelektrospektroskopi för långsamma katalytiska reaktioner och kvantitative aktivitets mätningar
Knudsen, J. (PI)
2023/02/23 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Bioengineered lung microenvironments for the activation of homeostatic and regenerative pathways
Ibáñez-Fonseca, A. (PI), Isaksson, H. (Researcher) & Plivelic, T. (Researcher)
2023/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
eSSENCE@LU 8:2 - Coherent 3D X-ray imaging of nanoparticles with unknown orientation
Wallentin, J. (PI), Chen, H. (Research student), Björling, A. (Researcher), Maia, F. R. N. C. (Researcher) & Solla-Gullón, J. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
En förstudie om hur man kan samordna åtgärder till stöd för forskningsinfrastrukturer (A pre-study on how to coordinate actions in support of Research Infrastructures)
Werin, S. (Researcher)
2022/01/01 → 2024/02/29
Project: Other
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Removal of Macrolide Antibiotics from Water using Clay
Gonzalez-Perez, A. (Project coordinator), Plivelic, T. (Researcher) & Morey Strömberg, A. (Administrator)
2021/11/15 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
Understanding the relation between osmotic pressure and structure of calcium montmorillonite
Hedstrom, M. (Project coordinator), Skepö, M. (Researcher) & Plivelic, T. (Researcher)
2021/11/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
Aerosols@MAXIV: Building a new sample environment at MAXIV for aerosols
Rissler, J. (Researcher), Preger, C. (Researcher), Eriksson, A. (Researcher), Kivimäki, A. (Researcher) & Walsh, N. (Researcher)
2021/03/01 → 2023/11/30
Project: Research
eSSENCE@LU 7:3 - Development of atomic basis sets for applications in electronic structure theory
Veryazov, V. (PI), Kivimäki, A. (Researcher), Schnadt, J. (Researcher), Lundberg, M. (Researcher) & Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, C. C. (Researcher)
2021/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
Dietary regulation of Gut and Blood Brain Barrier function
Granfeldt, Y. (Researcher), Nylander, T. (PI), Hållenius, F. (Researcher) & Maric, S. (Researcher)
2021/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Research
IFELD: IFELD: Improving Free-electron laser design through simulations and experiments
Curbis, F. (Researcher), Pop, M. (Research student), Werin, S. (Researcher), Paraskaki, G. (Research student) & Hillert, W. (Researcher)
2020/06/01 → 2022/08/31
Project: Research
Multiscale assembly mechanisms of crosslinked cereal hydrogels using small angle scattering
Vilaplana, F. (PI), Yilmaz-Turan, S. (Research student) & Plivelic, T. (Researcher)
2020/05/01 → 2021/11/30
Project: Research
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nPDFSAS: Simultaneous polarized SANS and NPDF methods to study novel electrode nanomaterials
Salazar-Alvarez, G. (PI), Disch, S. (CoPI), Babcock, E. (Researcher), Feygenson, M. (Researcher), Plivelic, T. (Researcher), Svedlindh, P. (Researcher) & Valvo, M. (Researcher)
2020/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Fragment-screening by X-ray crystallography at MAX IV on a human oncology-related protein
Lima, G. (Project coordinator), Zawierucha, A. (Administrator), Talibov, V. (Researcher) & Jagudin, E. (Researcher)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2020/01/01 → 2020/09/01
Project: Research
SESAME - MAX IV scholarship program
Werin, S. (Researcher), Ekelöf, T. (Researcher), Wallentin, J. (Researcher), Tarawneh, H. (Researcher), Öhrwall, G. (Researcher) & Al Dmour, E. (Researcher)
2019/12/01 → 2022/12/10
Project: Other
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Partnerskap för industriellt användande
Larsson, M. (Researcher) & Maric, S. (CoI)
2019/10/08 → 2021/05/01
Project: Other
eSSENCE@LU 5:10 - Programmable hardware platform for scientific software
Matej, Z. (PI), Skovhede, K. (Researcher), Barczyk, A. (PI), Lindemann, J. (PI), Hardion, V. (Researcher) & Weninger, C. (Researcher)
2019/09/02 → 2020/06/30
Project: Research
BEAST: Computational Methods and Behavioral Analytics in Strategic Communication
Nothhaft, H. (Researcher), Holmberg, N. (Researcher), Mehrabov, I. (Researcher), Holsanova, J. (Researcher), Niehorster, D. C. (Researcher), Fjällhed, A. (Researcher), Isaksson, O. (Researcher) & Mattsson, A. (Researcher)
2019/07/19 → 2023/12/31
Project: Other
PhD project: Multi-modal characterization of musculoskeletal tissues
Silva Barreto, I. (Researcher), Isaksson, H. (PI) & Liebi, M. (Supervisor)
2019/03/01 → 2023/11/30
Project: Dissertation
HALOS: Hanseatic League of Science
Paulsson, K. M. (PI), Pearson, A. (CoI), Gajhede, M. (Researcher), Mårtensson, E. (CoI), Øster, J. (CoI), Thunnissen, M. (CoI), Oksanen, E. (CoI), Cardenas, M. (CoI), Bjorholm Dahl, A. (CoI), Rom Andersen, G. (CoI), Wilmanns, M. (CoI), Feidenhans'l, R. (CoI), Müller, N. (CoI), Lund, R. (CoI) & Gottwald, J. (CoI)
2019/02/01 → 2022/01/31
Project: Network
FragMAX - a facility for high throughput fragment screening in drug development by X-ray crystallography
Lima, G. (Project coordinator), Müller, U. (Researcher), Knecht, W. (Researcher), Logan, D. (Researcher), Zawierucha, A. (Administrator), Sjögren, T. (Researcher), Talibov, V. (Researcher), Jagudin, E. (Researcher), Gourdon, M. (Researcher) & Sele, C. (Researcher)
2019/01/19 → 2022/01/18
Project: Research
AdaptoCell: AdaptoCell for MAX IV Laboratory Users
Sigfridsson Clauss, K. (PI), Terry, A. (Researcher), Micheal Raj, P. (Researcher), Fornell, A. (Researcher), Haase, D. (Researcher), Friel, R. (Researcher), Barbe, L. (Researcher) & Chen, Y. (Researcher)
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF
2019/01/01 → 2021/12/31
Project: Research
Structural properties of Speximo encapsulations and enclosed activities by X-ray scattering techniques (SAXS/WAXS)
Plivelic, T. (Researcher) & Sjöö, M. (Researcher)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2018/11/26 → 2019/06/15
Project: Research
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MuBeam: Ultrafast imaging
Mokso, R. (Researcher) & Hall, S. (Researcher)
2018/04/10 → 2022/04/10
Project: Research
Conceptual design study for a Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser
Werin, S. (Researcher), Curbis, F. (Researcher), Qin, W. (Researcher), Pop, M. (Research student) & Andersson, J. (Research student)
2018/03/01 → 2021/02/28
Project: Research
How do microbes “tuck away” carbon? The role of microbes in physical soil organic carbon stabilization
Pucetaite, M. (Researcher), Hammer, E. (PI), Persson, P. (CoPI) & Klemedtsson, L. (CoPI)
2018/02/05 → 2020/02/04
Project: Research