Projects per year
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Testing of new dialysis filters - permeability studies with neutral and anionic molecules
Öberg, C. (PI)
2024/09/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
The role of metabolism- and emotion-regulating hypothalamic circuitries in Huntington disease and the spectrum of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia disorders
Oraha, J. (Researcher), Pettersson, Å. (PI) & Björkqvist, M. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/02/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Reduced harmful glucose absorption via facilitative glucose transporters during peritoneal dialysis
Öberg, C. (PI)
Crafoord Foundation, Njurfonden, Njurförbundet
2023/05/29 → 2025/05/29
Project: Research
Experimental and clinical studies of peritoneal transport
Helman, J. (Research student), Öberg, C. (Supervisor) & Christensson, A. (Assistant supervisor)
2021/10/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Påverkar fysisk träning dödlighet, uremiprogress och sjuklighet hos patienter med kronisk njursjukdom?
Clyne, N. (Researcher), Denguir, S. (Research student), Segelmark, M. (Researcher), Hellberg, M. (Researcher), Rydell, H. (Researcher) & Almquist, M. (Researcher)
2021/02/01 → 2028/11/30
Project: Research
Formation and Removal of Autoantibodies in Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
Tyrberg, L. (Research student), Segelmark, M. (Supervisor) & Hellmark, T. (Assistant supervisor)
2020/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Endocrinologic comorbidities and long-term follow-up in ANCA associated vasculitis – Population-based studies
Wilding, A. (Research student), Mohammad, A. (Supervisor) & Segelmark, M. (Assistant supervisor)
2019/02/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Borg skalans 'Rating of Perceived Exertion' för att styra träningsintensitet hos patienter med kronisk njursjukdom
Clyne, N. (Researcher), Svensson, P. (Researcher), Wisén, A. (Researcher), Hellberg, M. (Researcher) & Zhou, Y. (Researcher)
2018/09/01 → 2026/10/31
Project: Research
Swedish Renal Replacement Therapy – cost and cost-effectiveness of available treatments
Gerdtham, U. (PI), Jarl, J. (Researcher), Zhang, Y. (Research student), Rydell, H. (Researcher) & Lundgren, T. (Researcher)
Region Skåne, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (Forte)
2014/12/01 → …
Project: Research
GOOD-IDES: Behandling av anti-GBM glomerulonefrit med ett bakteriellt endopeptidas
Segelmark, M. (Researcher), Hellmark, T. (CoI) & Ohlsson, S. (Researcher)
2007/01/01 → 2030/12/31
Project: Research
Not started
The relationship between GFR and muscle mass in CKD 3-5 patients
Zhou, Y. (Research student), Clyne, N. (Supervisor), Höglund, P. (Assistant supervisor) & Svensson, P. (Research student)
Project: Research
The complement system's role in the pathogenesis of ANCA-associated vasculitis
Iordanou, M. (Research student), Ohlsson, S. (Researcher) & Segelmark, M. (Researcher)
Project: Dissertation
Prehospital triage at stroke
Wasselius, J. (PI), Esbjörnsson, M. (Researcher), Andsberg, G. (Researcher), Höglund, P. (Researcher) & Hansen, B. (PI)
Project: Research
GoodRENal: Integrated patient care intradialysis programme in hemodialysis through a virtual health platform – Good RENal
Segura Orti, E. (Researcher), Clyne, N. (Researcher), Lozano Quilis, J. A. (Researcher), Garcia Testal, A. (Researcher), Mesa Gresa, P. (Researcher), Kouidi, E. (Researcher) & Van Craenenbroeck, A. (Researcher)
2020/09/01 → 2023/08/31
Project: Research
File -
eSSENCE@LU 5:6 - Using 'Deep Learning' to analyse interactions between donor and recipient DNA that determine early and late heart transplant failures
Nilsson, J. (PI), Ohlsson, M. (Researcher), Höglund, P. (Researcher) & Andersson, B. (Researcher)
2018/01/01 → 2019/12/31
Project: Research
Relationships between abdominal aortic calcification, GFR and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with CKD 3-5
Zhou, Y. (Research student), Clyne, N. (Supervisor), Höglund, P. (Assistant supervisor) & Hellberg, M. (Research student)
2016/12/01 → 2017/10/31
Project: Dissertation
Body composition, arteriosclerosis and exercise training in patients with chronic kidney disease
Zhou, Y. (Researcher), Clyne, N. (Supervisor), Höglund, P. (Assistant supervisor), Hellberg, M. (Research student) & Svensson, P. (Research student)
2015/12/01 → 2019/12/12
Project: Dissertation
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Complications of Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Effects of Surgery
Nilsson, M. (Research student), Almquist, M. (Supervisor), Thier, M. (Assistant supervisor), Bergenfelz, A. (Assistant supervisor) & Höfler, K. (Assistant supervisor)
2015/01/01 → 2024/05/04
Project: Dissertation
To live with kidney disease. Patient and relative perspective.
Ekelund, M.-L. (Research student), Andersson, S. I. (Supervisor) & Rippe, B. (Assistant supervisor)
2012/05/01 → 2016/05/19
Project: Dissertation