Peter Schurtenberger
- Physical Chemistry - Professor
- NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience - Principal investigator
- LTH Profile Area: Nanoscience and Semiconductor Technology - Profile area member
- LU Profile Area: Light and Materials - Profile area member
Lars Nilsson
- Division of Food and Pharma - Director of third cycle studies, Professor
- LTH Profile Area: Engineering Health - Profile area member
Person: Academic
Kitty van Gruijthuijsen
External person
Emanuela Zaccarelli
- Sapienza University of Rome
- CNR Institute for Complex Systems (CNR-ISC)
- CNR Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali (CNR-ITABC)
- CNR: National Research Council of Italy
External person
Johan Bergenholtz
External person
Remco Tuinier
External person
Cristiano L. P. Oliveira
External person
Joseph M. Brader
External person
Thomas Gibaud
External person
Nicolas Dorsaz
External person
Francesco Sciortino
External person
Fabrizio Camerin
- CNR Institute for Complex Systems (CNR-ISC)
- Sapienza University of Rome
External person
Wim G. Bouwman
External person
George M Thurston
External person
Gerard A Vliegenthart
External person
Gabriela Savin
External person
Ty Phou
External person
Giuseppe Foffi
External person
Jan Dhont
External person
Najet Mahmoudi
External person
Dganit Danino
External person
Julian Oberdisse
External person
Peter Lindner
External person
Vishweshwara Herle
External person
Chantal Rufier
External person
Shibananda Das
External person
Corinne Jud
External person
Marie Jehannin
External person