Anton Drott © 2023 Anton Drott

Anton Drott

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Opto-electrical characterization and modeling of MicroLED devices
The market for electronic displays has been dominated by Liquid Crystal Displays, LCDs, for a long time. LCDs can be made very robust and cost effective but suffer from low efficacy and limited contrast ratio. This is a consequence of the light modulating element. LCD can only filter light from a backlight, not create light on its own. Without doubt, LCD will eventually be replaced by emissive type displays in many consumer displays.

Organic LED, OLED, has been in development for several decades and has just recently achieved sufficient brightness for outdoor readability. But the inherent deterioration of organic material in moisture and high temperature cause ageing, i.e. reduction of brightness and color shifts. Additionally, ageing progresses faster in pixels that are actively operating, so that burn-in occurs.

The latest player on the field is MicroLED, i.e. LED dies that have been sufficiently shrunk that they can constitute the subpixels of an electronic display by themselves. Completely made from inorganic materials they are very resistant to ageing and should provide extremely high brightness at high efficiency. Initial attempts have shown that light output decrease rapidly as the dies shrink due to sidewall damage. Additionally, long wavelength emission, e.g. red, require high concentration of Indium which further increase the lattice mismatch and lower the output. In other words, further research is needed to overcome these obstacles.

The main objective is to conduct research that turns novel MicroLED structures and materials into effective devices that can be used for electronic displays. Specifically, the overall target is to synthesize sub-micron MicroLEDs capable of red, green and blue emission using the same process and material system. Research topics include electro-optical characterization, modeling and control. Thanks to the collaboration between Lund University, Hexagem AB and Alps Alpine Europe GmbH - Sweden Filial, the team possess knowledge and experience of advanced material design and product development and may cooperatey bridge the gap between materials science device creation.

Antons current focus is to design and build a measurement setup for external quantum efficiency. This is an important key performance indicator often used in the optoelectronics industry, and it literally describes the ability to convert electrons into photons that escape the device. The setup is based on an integrating sphere and a spectrometer, that require careful calibration in order to deliver accurate data.


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