Projects per year
Search results
Confronting the climate – water – biodiversity interactions: How rural communities can choose to become sustainable
Palacio, A., Lopez Jerez, M., Asprilla, J., Murillo-Ramos, L., Montañez, K., Chaminade, C. & Macchi, G.
FORMAS, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
2023/10/01 → 2027/09/30
Project: Research
SWINNO 3.0 Significant Swedish technological Innovations from 1970 until now
Taalbi, J., Chaminade, C., Fink, J., Hylmö, A., Kander, A., Kreutzer, P. J., Torregrosa Hetland, S., van der Most, F., Kilicaslan, A., Krumova, R. & Nyqvist, J.
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2020/03/06 → 2025/01/30
Project: Research
A Mauritian Miracle in the Rearview Mirror: Labour-intensive Industrialization for Sustainable Human Development
Ternsjö, L., Hillbom, E., Tegunimataka, A. & Chaminade, C.
2020/01/01 → 2024/12/01
Project: Dissertation
Sustainable development in Small Island Developing States
Hillbom, E., Chaminade, C., Palacio, A. & Tegunimataka, A.
2020/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
LU Land
Smith, H., Boyd, E., Börjesson, P., Clough, Y., Akselsson, C., Ekroos, J., Wilhelmsson, F., Brogaard, S., Alkan Olsson, J., Olsson, P. A., Dänhardt, J., Wamsler, C., Brady, M. V., Kander, A., Chaminade, C., Thorén, H., Persson, J., Johansson, M., Strandberg, P., Berndtsson, R., Olander, S., Kopsch, F., Khan, J., Björnsson, L., Kyrö, R., Hansson, L., Brönmark, C., Hammer, E., Wallander, H., Rundlöf, M., DHertefeldt, T., Hedlund, K., Persson, A., Hansson, M., May, W., Koca, D., von Post, M., Sahlin, U., Kljun, N., Persson, P., Jönsson, A. M., Ardö, J., Seaquist, J., Olin, S., Finnander Linderson, M., Eklundh, L., Bülow, L., Germundsson, T., Andersson, E., Olsson, L., Nicholas, K., Stripple, J., Nilsson, K., Hildingsson, R., Zelli, F., Nielsen, T., Knaggård, Å., Jönsson, K., Johansson, H., Appelstrand, M., Persson, K. M., Becker, P., Nikoleris, A., Kristensson, A., Sporre, M., Aits, S., Runemark, A., Klatt, B., Kritzberg, E., Andersson, A., Caretta, M. A., Ramasar, V., Scholze, M., Nielsen, A., Eklund, L., Johansson, E., Carton, W. & Hickmann, T.
2019/06/14 → …
Project: Network
Innovative practices for sustainable development- Sweden, Costa Rica and South Africa
2020/01/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Network
Institutional capacity building for relevant management and economics research of high quality towards sustainable socio-economic transformation of Rwanda.
Göransson, B. & Chaminade, C.
2019/06/01 → 2024/06/01
Project: Other
Innovative practices for sustainable development
Chaminade, C., Ducoing, C., Orozco, J. & Corrales-Mejias, R.
2018/12/01 → 2019/12/31
Project: Research
Domestication - Can we correct a 10 000 year old mistake? From annual monocultures to perennial polycultures
Chaminade, C., Olsson, L., Andersson, E., Carton, W., Thorén, H., Clough, Y., Wallander, H., Isgren, E., Friberg, M., Germundsson, T. & Frödin, O.
2018/09/01 → 2019/04/30
Project: Network
Evaluation Training Course on STI policies (UNCTAD)
2017/09/01 → 2017/12/30
Project: Commissioned research
Social innovation for whom? The role of Universities in social innovation for sustainability
Chaminade, C., Göransson, B., Åstrand, J., Hatti-Kaul, R., Östergren, P., Wigren-Kristoferson, C. & Parthasarathy, B.
2017/09/01 → 2018/05/31
Project: Network
Development of teaching material for the STI Policy training course at UNCTAD
2017/01/01 → 2017/12/31
Project: Commissioned research
SWINNO 2.0. A data base of Swedish innovations in a historical perspective
Chaminade, C., Kander, A., Torregrosa Hetland, S., Farkas, G., Taalbi, J., Nielsen, H. & Ljungberg, J.
2015/01/01 → 2019/12/31
Project: Research
Global innovation networks, regional variety and its impact on the innovativeness of firms and regions: The IT and new media industry in Sweden in a global comparative perspective
Chaminade, C., Grillitsch, M., Martin, R., Plechero, M., Zukauskaite, E. & Macíomhair, S.
Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse
2014/01/01 → 2018/12/31
Project: Research
Research coordinator of the area on Globalization of Innovation at Circle
2012/01/01 → 2016/08/01
Project: Other
The challenge of globalization: Technology driven foreign direct investment (TFDI) and its implications for the negotiation of International (bi and multilateral) Investment Agreement
Chaminade, C., Hansen, T. & Liu, J.
2011/02/01 → 2014/12/31
Project: Research
Impact of Networks, Globalisation, and their INteraction with EU Strategies (INGINEUS).
Chaminade, C., Plechero, M. & de Fuentes, C.
2008/01/01 → 2011/12/31
Project: Research
Innovation as a driver for development: supporting the development of innovative clusters in South Africa
2008/01/01 → 2011/12/31
Project: Research
From one-size-fits-all to targeted development support: innovation dynamics in regional clusters in Latin-America
2006/01/01 → 2009/07/12
Project: Research
Innovation, entrepreneurship and Knowledge creation: Dynamics in globalizing learning economies (LUCIE).
Edquist, C., Asheim, B., Chaminade, C., Benner, M., Landström, H. & Jacob, M.
2006/01/01 → 2016/12/31
Project: Research
ESTO - Towards Knowledge-based societies. ICT for growth and cohesion in a global knowledge-based economy: Lessons from East Asian Growth Areas
2005/01/01 → 2006/12/31
Project: Research
Network of excellence: Policies for research and innovation in the move towards the ERA (PRIME)
2004/01/01 → 2009/01/01
Project: Research
Intellectual Capital in the electrical utility sector (Intelectic)
2003/01/01 → 2004/10/31
Project: Commissioned research
Policies for research and innovation in the move towards the ERA (PRIME)
2002/01/01 → 2004/12/31
Project: Research
Policy options to promote innovation in SMEs through the management of intangibles
2002/01/01 → 2004/10/30
Project: Research
Towards a European research arena on intangibles (E*KNOW-NET)
2001/01/01 → 2003/12/31
Project: Research
Global systems and policy design for the European research arena (GLOSPERA
2001/01/01 → 2002/12/31
Project: Research
MERITUM: Measuring intangibles to understand and improve innovation management (MERITUM)
1998/01/01 → 2001/12/31
Project: Research