11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Ellen Tolestam Heyman with the persons below:
Anna Kristensson Ekwall
- Medicine, Lund - Associate professor
- Emergency medicine - Research project participant
- Integrative Health Research - Senior lecturer
Ulf Ekelund
- Medicine, Lund - Supervisor, Head of office, Professor
- Emergency medicine - Research team manager, Professor
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Researcher
Ardavan Khoshnood
- Emergency medicine - Research project participant
- Medicine, Lund - Supervisor, Associate professor, Specialist physician
- Cardiovascular Research - Hypertension - Specialist physician, Senior lecturer
Person: Academic
Erik Bergqvist
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Doctoral student
- Unit for clinical suicide research - Research project participant
Jakob Lundager Forberg
- Clinical Sciences, Helsingborg - Supervisor, Associate professor, Consultant
- Teachers at the Medical Programme - Teaching staff
- Medicine, Lund - Associate professor
- Emergency medicine - Research project participant
Emma Haglund
- Rheumatology - Physiotherapist, Supervisor
- Spenshults arthritis group - Research project participant
Aleksandra Turkiewicz
- Orthopaedics (Lund) - Statistician, Associate professor
- Lund OsteoArthritis Division - Clinical Epidemiology Unit - Research project participant
- LU Profile Area: Proactive Ageing - Profile area member