Projects per year
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ABLE: A Better Everyday Life (ABLE) – in a Swedish context
Månsson Lexell, E., Nissmark, S., Andersson, N., Ekstam, L., Wæhrens, E. E., Petersson, I. & Snygg, N.
2023/03/01 → 2030/09/30
Project: Research
Understanding Obstacles and Facilitators of Current and Future Public Transport Solutions for People with Various Disabilities
Stjernborg, V., Månsson Lexell, E., Hansson, K., Levin, L. & Lopez Svensson, G.
2023/01/09 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
’Managing Fatigue’ program för personer med sena effekter av polio - en digital version
Månsson Lexell, E., Andersson, N., Markovic, G. & Melin, E.
2021/04/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
SEE: A more active life and easy access to rehabilitation – an integrated web programme "SEE"
Månsson Lexell, E., Larsson Lund, M., Ranner, M. & Barcheus, I.
2019/01/01 → 2024/12/01
Project: Research
A sustainable work and everyday life in a digitalised time – challenges and possibilities for people with subjective cognitive difficulties related to neurological disorders
Larsson Lund, M., Månsson Lexell, E., Lindberg, M. & Ranner, M.
2019/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Aktivitetsbalans hos olika personer med neurologiska skador och sjukdomar
Månsson Lexell, E., Håkansson, C., Ortiz-Rubio, A., Pessah-Rasmussen , H. & Alonso Magdalena, L.
2021/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Aktivitet och delaktighet hos personer med post-polio, en långtidsuppföljning av sammanhängande rehabilitering
Månsson Lexell, E., Appelin, K., Lexell, J., Erlandsson, L. & Andersson, N.
2020/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
FORMAS OLE: Sustainable outdoor living environments – systematic interdisciplinary studies of health effects and impact on social inequalities
Björk, J., Iwarsson, S., Ståhl, A., Gefenaite, G., Grahn, P., Månsson Lexell, E., Bengtsson, A., Ringsten, M., Slaug, B., Rebouillat, P., Mtutu, R., Mattisson, K. & Stoltz, J.
2019/01/01 → 2023/12/31
Project: Research
Activity and Participation Ten Years after Stroke
Iwarsson, S., Norlander, A., Jönsson, A., Ståhl, A., Carlstedt, E. & Månsson Lexell, E.
2013/02/01 → 2019/05/29
Project: Research
Towards a Self-management Intervention - Supporting Activity and Participation after Stroke
Iwarsson, S., Carlstedt, E., Månsson Lexell, E. & Ståhl, A.
2012/09/03 → 2018/10/31
Project: Research
Use of Powered Wheelchairs and Scooters – Individual and Organizational Perspectives
Iwarsson, S., Brandt, Å., Månsson Lexell, E., Pettersson, C., Sund, T., Andersen, M. C., Anttila, H., Helle, T., Lexell, J., Löfqvist, C., Malmgren Fänge, A. & Norin, L.
2009/01/01 → 2016/12/31
Project: Research