12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Gina Song Lopez with the persons below:
Tobias Linné
- Media and Communication Studies - Teaching staff, Supervisor, Researcher, Senior lecturer
- Department of Communication and Media - Head of department
Elisabet Göransson
- Latin - Teaching staff, Associate professor
- Administration - Programme coordinator
- Division of Book History - Teaching staff
- Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
- Interdisc. Latin - Researcher
Katarina Bernhardsson
- Comparative Literature - Senior lecturer
- Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (BRCMH) - Centre director
Ulrika Holgersson
- Media History - Associate professor, Senior lecturer
- History
- Journalism - Senior lecturer
Marie Cronqvist
- Media History - Associate professor, Senior lecturer
- Journalism - Senior lecturer
- DigitalHistory @ Lund - Principal investigator
- Systematic Theology
Anna Flyman Mattsson
- Swedish as Second Language - Senior lecturer, Research and research studies manager
- Language Acquisition
- LAMiNATE (Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching) - Researcher