Hyejin Kim

Hyejin Kim


Personal profile


My research falls into multiple streams, all of which reflect my interest in transnational affairs. A current stream of my research deals with international science collaboration. My research in this field builds on my earlier research on the business of international education. Drawing on fieldwork -- and my own career experience -- in multiple countries, that research documents the transformation of international education into a sector of economic activity. In my earlier research, I examined the interplay of ethnic business networks with identity among Koreans in China. I have published two academic books and a number of journal articles.

Professional work

My experience encompasses academic roles, administrative positions within higher education, as well as work in the private sector, the nonprofit sector, and in a quasi-government body. One of my passions is building exciting education programmes. I served as founding convenor of the Global Studies Programme at the National University of Singapore, overseeing its design and growth. I chaired the undergraduate committee in my department at NUS, where I helped re-design the programme as the university adjusted its curriculum. Previously, I served on a leadership team establishing a school in China on behalf of a Dubai-based school group. My work there grew from experience as managing director of an international school in Singapore. I also publish fiction. My book based on research in China -- Jia: A Novel of North Korea -- was described as "extraordinary" by the New York Review of Books.


In over a decade of teaching, I have taught 13 separate, full-term courses. I have designed seven of these courses. The courses I have led include introductory courses of 250 students in Global Studies, medium-sized lectures on the management of nonprofit organizations and the international relations of northeast Asia, and advanced seminars on subjects as diverse as the global food system, ethical consumption, and global migration.   designed and taught many courses. Most of my experience comes from Singapore, though I have also taught in Denmark, Sweden, and Korea. I currently supervise a Ph.D. student and M.A. students. I delight in bringing in my real-world experience and out-of-classroom ties to enliven my teaching. 



Over a twelve-year period, I consulted on education policy for a Korean government agency. I have also served as a senior education advisor in the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Singapore. In Singapore I also co-directed a project on palm oil for the World Wildlife Fund, and our report served as the starting point for government-sponsored roundtable discussions. My commentaries have appeared in Times Higher Education, Channel News Asia, The Hangyore, Kyonghyang sinmun, and The Diplomat. I served previously as the Korea editor for Global Voices Online.


UKÄ subject classification

  • Economic History


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