6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Inaki Sasiain Casado with the persons below:
Deborah Figueiredo Nacer de Oliveira
- Breast/lungcancer - Postdoc
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Postdoc
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Postdoctoral fellow
- Breast/lung cancer - Postdoc
- Research Group Lung Cancer - Research project participant
Johan Staaf
- Research Group Lung Cancer - Project manager
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
- Breast/lungcancer - Researcher, Supervisor, Associate professor
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Senior lecturer
- Breast/lung cancer - Senior lecturer, Research team manager
Srinivas Veerla
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Researcher
- Breast/lungcancer - Researcher
- Research Group Lung Cancer - Research project participant
- Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genomics - Research project participant
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Assistant researcher
- Breast/lung cancer - Assistant researcher
- Breast/ovarian cancer - Assistant researcher
Mattias Aine
- Breast/lungcancer - Assistant researcher
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Researcher
- Division of Molecular Hematology (DMH) - Postdoctoral fellow
- Research Group Lung Cancer - Research project participant
- Breast/lung cancer - Assistant researcher
Hani Saghir
- Breast/ovarian cancer - Doctoral student
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Doctoral student
Daniel Ehinger
- Breast/lungcancer - Research student, Specialty registrar
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Doctoral student
- Research Group Lung Cancer - Research project participant
- Breast/lung cancer - Research student