Ingalill Rahm Hallberg

Ingalill Rahm Hallberg

Affiliated with the university, Senior Professor

Personal profile


I obtained my doctorate in 1990 with a dissertation concerning the care of people with dementia, became a senior lecturer in 1993 and a professor in 1997. I built up and was head of the Swedish Institute for Health Sciences from 2002 until July 2010. I was assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine 2000–2005 and Deputy and Acting Vice-Chancellor from 2009 until spring 2012. I was president of the European Academy of Nursing Science 2005–2012. I am Fellow of the American Association of Nursing, FAAN, honorary member of the Swedish Medical Society and Fellow of the European Academy of Nursing Science.

Since the time of my dissertation I have mostly been concerned with research on older people and their care and welfare, with different study designs and directed towards a variety of issues. Twenty-nine students have obtained their PhDs with me as the main supervisor and within the programme, most of them having done research on older people’s functional capacity, quality of life and troubles which affect this quality, and on these people’s consumption of care. There has been a particular focus on the very oldest, on older people being taken care of by next of kin and on those receiving professional care at home or in special accommodation. At present there are three projects being conducted. The first, involving eight countries, is an investigation of the care of people afflicted with dementia in a European perspective. It includes interviews with such people and their next of kin and takes a close look at the care systems and care costs in the different countries. This study has been repeated in southern Sweden in order to validate the findings in a Swedish context. The other project is a randomised controlled study where the effect of having a case manager the most vulnerable older persons is tested with regard to care consumption and quality of life. The third study is focusing biomolecular fingerprints of psychological resilience in women with breast cancer. Women are invited to participate at the time of diagnosis and after have decided to participate in the SCAN-B study and thereafter they are assessed for psychological resilience and quality of life and followed during one year from diagnosis.

I have been the main supervisor of 29 PhD students and the assistant supervisor of a further eight. I am supervising one student at the moment.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

UKÄ subject classification

  • Health Sciences
  • Nursing


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