Activities per year
- 21 results
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Interactions with pain-related systems - Towards new electrical treatments for chronic pain.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2022Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for neural interfaces - a novel approach for improved biocompatibility.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2020Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Microelectrode cluster technology for precise interactions with neuronal circuits. Towards highly specific adaptive deep brain stimulation.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2020Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Development of highly biocompatible neuro-electronic interfaces towards monitoring authentic neuronal signalling in the brain.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2020Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Chloride ion dynamics in neuronal homeostasis and plasticity: Measuring a zero current with a twitch of learning.
Schouenborg, J. (Second supervisor)
2019Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Bitcoding the Brain – Integration and organization of massive parallel neuronal data.
Schouenborg, J. (Second supervisor)
2018Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Towards a translational pain model – Techniques and Developments.
Schouenborg, J. (Second supervisor)
2017Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
A tailored biocompatible neural interface for long term monitoring in neural networks.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2016Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Nanowires and Neural interfaces – Biocompatibility in the brain.
Schouenborg, J. (Second supervisor)
2016Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Stimulating the Brain : Ethical Perspectives on Deep Brain Stimulation & Nano Scaled Brain Machine Interfaces.
Schouenborg, J. (Second supervisor)
2013Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Merging electronics and the brain - towards a fully biocompatible neural interface.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2013Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Spotting Pain in the Brain.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2011Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Self-Organizing Body Maps in the Spinal Cord.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2008Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Plasticity in mice nociceptive circuits – role of cell adhesion molecules.
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2005Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
No pain, still gain – cross modality developmental learning guided by spinal spontaneous activity
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2004Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Spontaneous Movements during Sleep Guide Spinal Self-organization: Formation and Expression of a Memory Trace
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
2003Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Spinal cord processing of Sensory information. Spatial organization and adaptive mechanisms
Schouenborg, J. (Joint first/primary/lead supervisor)
2000Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Itch and pain inhibitory mechanisms in humans. Evidence for a differential control of nociceptive senses
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1999 FebActivity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Functional organization of spinal nociceptive pathways: Evidence for a modular organization of spinal nociceptive reflex systems
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1996Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Postnatal development of spinal nociceptive pathways: Evidence for involvement of experience dependent mechanisms
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1996Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Parallel processing of nociceptive information. Evidence for multiple reflex and ascending nociceptive pathways
Schouenborg, J. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1992Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students