12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Johanna Lindbladh with the persons below:
Anders Eriksson
- Rhetoric - Associate professor, Researcher, Teaching staff, Senior lecturer, Supervisor
Maj Hasager
- Malmö Art Academy - Professor, Head of department, Artistic director
- LU Profile Area: Human rights - Profile area member
Person: Academic
Anna Petersson
- Department of Architecture and Built Environment - Director of third cycle studies
- Architecture and Culture - Associate professor, Senior lecturer
Person: Academic
Ellen Suneson
- Division of Art History and Visual Studies - Postdoctoral fellow
- Department of Gender Studies - Lecturer
Sara Tanderup Linkis
- Division of ALM, Digital Cultures and Publishing Studies
- Publishing Studies - Senior lecturer
- Digital Cultures - Associate professor