Activities per year
- 5 Supervision
- 5 results
Search results
Environmental modeling of hydrological systems
Bengtsson, L. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1996Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision
Thermal bar dynamics
Bengtsson, L. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1990 → 1994 DecActivity: Examination and supervision › Supervision
The origin of stream water analyzed by oxygen-18
Bengtsson, L. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1983 → 1987 OctActivity: Examination and supervision › Supervision
Precision in estimating mean areal precipitation for small watersheds
Bengtsson, L. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1982 → 1984 Oct 2Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision
Coriolis generated secondary currents and their effects on turbulent channel flow
Bengtsson, L. (First/primary/lead supervisor)
1980 → 1986 SeptActivity: Examination and supervision › Supervision