6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Linda Ternrud with the persons below:
Eva Ageberg
- Sport Sciences - Professor, Research team manager
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
- Faculty of Medicine - Vice dean
- LU Profile Area: Proactive Ageing - Profile area member
Joanna Hlebowicz
- Cardiology - Researcher, Research team manager, Adjunct senior lecturer, Associate professor
- Cardiovascular Research - Immunity and Atherosclerosis
- Clinical and experimental lung transplantation
Oscar Braun
- Cardiology - Supervisor, Research team manager, Associate professor, Physician
- Molecular Epidemiology and Cardiology - Research project participant
- Heart Failure and Mechanical Support - Project manager
- EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden - Researcher