Maja Tejre

Maja Tejre

Affiliated with the university

Personal profile


My doctoral project regards forest conflicts in Sweden and how these have been acknowledged and managed by the state. I study how different interests, such as private and public interests are expressed within the state and how these constitute forest conflicts. Theoretically, I use ideas about politicization, ownership and the environmental state.

I teach courses on public administration and environmental politics.

UKÄ subject classification

  • Political Science
  • Public Administration Studies

Free keywords

  • politicization
  • environmenal politics
  • forest


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
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    Sjöström, C. (Host), Athanassiadis, D. (Host), Ekström, H. (Organiser), Curtis, K. (Organiser), Bakx, T. (Organiser), Lindroth, A. (Keynote/plenary speaker), Michielsen, R. (Presenter), Kim, D. (Presenter), Rönneke Belfrage, R. (Presenter), Lo Madsen, R. (Presenter), Muraro, L. (Presenter), Malicki, B. (Presenter), Delin, E. (Presenter), Tejre, M. (Presenter), Süring, C. (Presenter) & Jensen, J. (Presenter)

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