6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Manni Ardzejewska with the persons below:
Carl Johan Fürst
- The Institute for Palliative Care - Professor
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
- Respiratory Medicine, Allergology, and Palliative Medicine - Professor emeritus
Elisabet Björklund
- Film Studies - Director of studies, Senior lecturer, Associate professor
- Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities (BRCMH) - Affiliated researcher
- Creative Writing Program - Director of studies
- Theatre Studies - Director of studies
- Section 2
Linnea Wegerstad
- Department of Law - Senior lecturer, Associate professor
- Health Law - Researcher
- Law and Vulnerabilities - Researcher
- Criminal Law - Researcher
Amanda Kron
- Department of Law - Doctoral student
- Environmental Law - Researcher
- Human Rights Law - Researcher