Maria Mossberg is a Pediatrician with special focus on infectious diseases. Her research involves Kawasaki disease, Covid related hyperinflammation, pediatric infectious diseases, global child health and e-health.
- Kawasaki Disease Coronary artery aneurysm prevention trial (KD-CAAP) is an international multi-centre study comparing two treatment strategies with the aim to find the best way to treat children with Kawasaki disease. Maria Mossberg and Robin Kahn are national coordinators as well as part of the international trail management group. The study will be conducted at SUS Malmö, SUS Lund, Sahlgrenska, Karolinska Huddinge, Karolinska Solna and Sachska barnsjukhuset. The Study started in Sweden in December 2021 and will go on for 2 years.
- Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) is a Covid-19-related hyperinflammatory condition affecting children 2-8 weeks after an acute Covid infection. We study the demographics, symptoms, treatment and the long-term effects of the disease.
- Applied e-health innovations, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, IOT ecosystems within health care all has the potential to disrupt the way health care is to be delivered tomorrow. DocuMed, is an app being developed for medical information management and emergency care plans in mobile phones and tablets (any device). The purpose of the DocuMed project is to make healthcare safer and to make it easier for healthcare professionals to have fast, intuitive, and secure access to medical care plans and documents, as well as the opportunity to share medical documents with each other in a secure and intuitive way within the medical teams using a digital solution that can scale globally. DocuMed is adapted for use in high- as well as low- and middle-income countries so that healthcare professionals at any given time can have access to the latest updated treatment documents instantly, where updates can be made efficiently and securely. Innovated by doctors for doctors and other healthcare professionals.